Shane Maguire es un personaje de ficción interpretado por Nicky Evans en la serie de televisión Shameless.
Cuando se emitio el primer episodio en el que aparece, titulado In with the Maguire's (temporada 3), tenia 26 años.
Aparece en 114 episodios de un total de 138 episodios emitidos y ha acumulado 369 votos positivos.
El personaje de Shane Maguire se relaciona mayormente con Kelly Maguire, Micky Maguire y Jamie Maguire.

Shane Maguire

por Nicky Evans


Episodios 114

  • 8.1

    In with the Maguire's

    episodio S3.E6 febrero 2006
    El clan Gallagher está complacido cuando Carl comienza a llevar dinero a casa, pero su miniempresa está sujeta a la ira de los Maguire, justo cuando Lip intenta mantener su relación con Mandy.
  • 7.4

    New Beginnings

    episodio S4.E1 enero 2007
    As Lip turns 18, the Maguires expect more of him. Meanwhile, as the Gallaghers witness Kev and Veronica being arrested abroad for illegal baby adoption, their estranged mother Monica, returns.
  • 7.3

    New Romances

    episodio S4.E2 enero 2007
    Sheila fears that Monica will destroy her marriage with Frank. Meanwhile, a Maguire son is released from prison.
  • 7.5

    You Decide

    episodio S4.E3 enero 2007
    Mónica logra aferrarse a Frank y Frank tiene que elegir entre ella y Sheila. Mientras tanto, Lip, Ian y Carl organizan una venta de jardín.
  • 7.6

    The Runaway

    episodio S4.E4 enero 2007
    Ian literalmente se encuentra con una chica llamada Anna, quien le pide ayuda ya que ha robado un maletín que contiene miles de libras en tarjetas rasca y gana de los Maguires, y él la esconde en su casa. Al enterarse de que no solo su hijo Fergal está muerto, sino que su hermano ha sido electrocutado, Mimi siente que su familia está maldita y espera que Mandy se case con Lip, pero después de que Ian ayuda a Anna a escapar, las relaciones entre los Maguires y los Gallagher se tensan. Para los Karibs, el negocio está tan mal que Kash finge su propia muerte para el seguro.
  • 7.7

    Boys, Boys, Boys

    episodio S4.E5 febrero 2007
    Al enterarse de que Sheila está vendiendo su casa, Frank regresa a casa. Debbie comienza a salir con el vecino Luke Newman por sugerencia de Monica, pero cuando se entera de que los padres de Luke son pentecostales religiosos, Frank intenta poner fin a la relación. Micky trata de acercarse a Ian, pero sus avances son rechazados cuando Ian se entera de la relación inusual de Micky con su perro. Karen y Jamie se comprometen. Mimi no está muy impresionada, pero invita a salir a Karen, lo que lleva a convertirse en cómplice en un asalto.
  • 7.7

    Dangerous Situation

    episodio S4.E6 febrero 2007
    Frank acepta trabajar en la camioneta de helados de Shane. Los Maguires la utilizan como tapadera para sus negocios ilegales, ¡y Frank tiene éxtasis disponible! Sin embargo, hay problemas en ciernes con una turba enfadada.
  • 7.7

    Terrorist Target

    episodio S4.E7 febrero 2007
    Frank y Monica siguen chocando, y Monica desahoga su ira durmiendo con Norma. Frank intenta robar el dinero de Norma, pero cuando ella lo atrapa en el acto, se hace una acusación que podría meter a Frank en graves problemas.
  • 7.7


    episodio S4.E8 febrero 2007
    Paddy se queda conmocionado cuando se entera de las muertes sospechosas de sus tres ex compañeros de celda. Jamie está a punto de casarse con Karen y Mimi no está emocionada con la idea. Karen se sorprende al descubrir la verdad detrás de sus fines de semana junto a Jamie.
  • 7.9

    The Countdown

    episodio S5.E1 enero 2008
    Frank termina en el hospital después de confundir un generador eléctrico con un baño y le dicen que su estilo de vida está pasando factura. Lip vuelve de la universidad, pero Alex, su novia allí, lo ha seguido a casa, poniendo fin a su relación con Mandy. Karen se hace cargo del Jockey y Lillian abre un burdel.
  • 7.6

    Other Paddy

    episodio S5.E2 enero 2008
    Una visita de un viejo conocido ayuda a Mimi a darse cuenta de algunas verdades en casa. Carl está furioso cuando Ian comienza a salir con su profesora.
  • 7.5

    Happy Birthday, Ma Maguire

    episodio S5.E3 enero 2008
    Mónica cree que podría estar embarazada y es la única miembro de la familia que se decepciona cuando la prueba resulta negativa. El Jockey es robado en vísperas del cumpleaños de Mimi y los Maguire se disponen a reemplazar los muebles robados, aunque Karen está más preocupada por el futuro del pub después de la visita de un hombre de la cervecería. El policía comunitario Stan sale con una mujer de Ucrania.
  • 7.8

    Frank's Big Win

    episodio S5.E4 enero 2008
    ¡Frank Gallagher gana la lotería, o al menos eso es lo que los residentes de Chatsworth creen cuando Yvonne lo anuncia en las noticias locales! Y Frank no tiene intención de decir que nunca ha comprado un boleto de lotería en su vida cuando las bebidas gratis están llegando a su manera.
  • 7.8

    Beach Party

    episodio S5.E5 enero 2008
    Con el consejo otorgando subvenciones de iniciativa, Debbie quiere invertir en gallinas y papas para abastecer a la finca con huevos y papas fritas gratis. Shane conoce a una mujer deseable pero se lleva una sorpresa cuando van a casa de Lillian y mientras tanto Yvonne se enfrenta a problemas con una pandilla de chicas, Stan atropella accidentalmente a una mujer. Después de admitir que debería usar gafas, Carrie acepta asumir la culpa para salvar su trabajo, hasta que la mujer amenaza con demandar.
  • 7.8

    Nowhere To Go

    episodio S5.E6 febrero 2008
    Cuando Mónica descubre que está embarazada, Liam, imaginando que será obligado a cambiar pañales, se va de casa. La bebé Katie se come una pastilla E que confunde con un dulce y Frank es culpado por dejarla por ahí. La familia lo echa y él se une a Liam en las calles. Paddy le paga a Kelly, la hermana de Kev y la nueva novia de Shane, para que abandone la urbanización por sus propios motivos.
  • 7.9

    Brothers and Boyfriends

    episodio S5.E7 febrero 2008
    Después de una fuga de gas en la casa de los Gallagher, el atractivo bombero Sean está presente y tanto Ian como Mandy intentan seducirlo. Eventualmente, es Ian quien sospecha que Sean es gay, y sus sospechas resultan ser ciertas. Parece que se está formando una relación entre ellos, hasta que descubren que son medio hermanos y Ian se entera de quién es su padre biológico. Frank termina en una silla de ruedas después de otra borrachera y Carl comienza a salir con la madre de una chica con la que salía en la escuela.
  • 7.6

    I Love Frank

    episodio S5.E8 febrero 2008
    Mientras Paddy intenta chantajear a Carrie para que sea su informante, Debbie, para recaudar dinero para unas vacaciones familiares, acoge a dos estudiantes americanos, la recta Brandy y su hermano silencioso Barney. Brandy es muy religiosa, pero un viaje al hipódromo la hace soltarse el pelo. Frank cree haber encontrado el amor y una nueva vida con la anticuaria Rosie, solo para descubrir que ella no dejará a su esposo enfermo. Intenta suicidarse, pero al hacerlo salva a Lillian de ser atacada por un ladrón al que ella ha identificado.
  • 7.5

    Absent Parents

    episodio S5.E9 febrero 2008
    La madre de Mónica, Joan, aparece con Alzheimer y una bolsa llena de pastillas. Años antes, había descuidado a Mónica y permitido que su novio abusara de la niña. Ahora, aunque solo está medio lúcida, suplica perdón antes de tomar una sobredosis. Los chicos Maguire planean una fiesta con Mimi y Paddy fuera y confían en un engaño iniciado por Carl para financiarla, solo para descubrir que él los ha superado. Stan declara su amor por Yvonne en la tienda.
  • 7.3

    Old Friends, New Enemies

    episodio S5.E10 marzo 2008
    Karen is wary when Jamie's cell-mate Mark turns up and tricks Jamie into abetting a robbery. Fortunately the Maguires pull together to force Mark to tell the truth. With poor GCSE grades Carl feels he is a somebody at last when Paddy encourages him to box,where he does well . Unfortunately his last fight involves taking a dive. Yvonne is shocked when her schoolgirl daughter Meena declares that she is going to Islamabad for an arranged marriage though Meena's auntie Shaza makes her see sense. Shaza also invites Norma out for a drink and at last Norma seems to be over Monica.
  • 8


    episodio S5.E11 marzo 2008
    Cuando Paddy es captado en cámara durante un robo armado, Mimi le suplica que llame a su hermano Noel: él es el único que puede ayudar. Pero Paddy tiene un pasado oscuro con su hermano y preferiría ir a la cárcel antes que volver a verlo.
  • 7.4

    Family at War

    episodio S5.E12 marzo 2008
    When Stan gets caught in the crossfire between Yvonne and her kids, a full-blown row puts their relationship on the rocks. Things go from bad to worse when Yvonne finds herself held at gunpoint in the shop.
  • 7.7

    Date A Death

    episodio S5.E13 marzo 2008
    Stan se muda con Yvonne y presencia su disputa con Mimi después de descubrir a Chesney, su hijo menor, con drogas. Chesney decide que prefiere a los Maguires como sus padres, hasta que consume una "E", mientras que Shane se convierte en la mascota de Yvonne, trabajando en la tienda. Mandy sale en una cita con el apuesto Dex, pero él muere después de tener relaciones sexuales bajo los efectos de las drogas. Ella y Karen se deshacen del cuerpo, pero al día siguiente él aparece en el Jockey sin ningún recuerdo de los eventos de la noche anterior.
  • 7.4

    The Ties That Blind Us

    episodio S5.E14 abril 2008
    The Maguires are subject to a stake-out,which causes Mimi to lose her rag and lash out at Mickey. As a result she attends an anger management course which makes her too mellow,so that Paddy's profits from his regulars see a sharp decrease. Mandy sets out to help Tom find his birth mother,bringing in an impostor to help,only for him to have tracked down his family himself. In the process Mandy discovers Tom's relationship with Debbie but agrees to keep silent.
  • 7.9


    episodio S5.E15 abril 2008
    Mientras Carl sufre de disfunción eréctil, Ian se encuentra extrañamente atraído por Mandy y Norma se despierta después de una noche de borrachera preguntándose por qué lleva puestos los pantalones para correr de un desconocido, aunque la respuesta es decepcionante. Tom y Debbie encuentran a una joven que ha sido violada y dejada inconsciente y Tom es acusado. Debbie está ansiosa por revelar la verdad, pero Tom se lo prohíbe, ya que su secreto se revelaría. Sin embargo, Frank le confiesa a Debbie que ha sabido todo el tiempo y el verdadero violador es capturado. Paddy golpea violentamente a Shane en el Jockey por Kelly, antes de invitarla a cenar. Después de todo, ella es familia.
  • 7.8

    The Ninth Time Around

    episodio S5.E16 abril 2008
    Cuando Manchester experimenta un temblor de tierra, a Mónica se le rompe la bolsa de agua y comienza el trabajo de parto. Sin embargo, al otro lado de Chatsworth, el mismo temblor tira a Frank de su taburete de bar y lo deja en coma.
  • 8

    Remember Me

    episodio S6.E1 enero 2009
    Mónica ha tenido a su bebé, entregado con la ayuda de Ian y bautizado como Stella Iana. De manera un tanto extraña, el bebé parece ser capaz de hablar, ¿o será que Frank está alucinando de nuevo? A medida que Debbie cumple dieciséis años, ella y Tom hacen pública su relación y los Gallagher organizan una fiesta. Sin embargo, las noticias son malas para Shane cuando Kelly le dice que tuvo un aborto espontáneo, y también para Ian, quien es atacado y despierta en el hospital con amnesia total.
  • 7.7

    Trouble In Paradise

    episodio S6.E2 febrero 2009
    Ian deja el área y Micky se inscribe en un curso de cine donde su gusto por los guiones eróticos lo lleva a participar en tríos con la tutora Zeta y su esposo Ady, mientras Mimi termina su tarea. A medida que el Jockey reabre después de su incendio con una noche de striptease improvisado, Karen y Jamie tienen una pelea pero vuelven a estar juntos, y Carl, que trabaja en el hospital, se enamora de la enfermera Maxine, aunque ella quiere que su relación sea casual. Mandy consigue un nuevo novio en el amigo de Jamie, Joe, mientras que Stan finalmente logra tener un avance con los hijos de Yvonne y Norma, obsesionada con un posible asesinato en el pub en el pasado, encuentra lo que cree erróneamente que son restos humanos.
  • 7.5

    All Rise

    episodio S6.E3 febrero 2009
    Frank está impactado al descubrir que ha sido víctima de robo de identidad. Como resultado, su historial ha sido borrado y es elegible para prestar servicio como jurado.
  • 7.3

    Loving Wife

    episodio S6.E4 febrero 2009
    The Maguires are horrified to find their late son Fergal's grave has been desecrated and set up a CCTV camera which actually captures a mystery woman tending the grave. Carl gets a job as a car washer,leading to another sexual encounter but when he discovers he has an STD ,on Stan's advice,he is forced to tell all his old conquests - except the sexy customer,who is expecting. Micky learns that Ady is in love with him but,after an ultimatum from Zeta,intends to stay in his show marriage,ending Micky's acquaintance with the couple. Monica uses sham hypnotist Damien De Soto to try and make Frank jealous but ends up having sex with Damien in the toilet. Despite a misunderstanding over body hair Mandy,now living in the Jockey,has a night of passion with Joe.
  • 7.5

    Miscarriage of Marriage

    episodio S6.E5 febrero 2009
    Durante una noche temática de James Bond en el Jockey, Paddy conoce a Maureen, la mujer del funeral de Fergal, y Karen sufre un aborto espontáneo. Cuando Mimi y Paddy insisten en un elaborado funeral de espectáculo, ella se pregunta si quiere traer otro Maguire al mundo. Debbie inscribe a Liam en un concurso de modelaje, con un premio en efectivo y una sesión de fotos en Blackpool. Como el cartel es para una campaña contra el abuso infantil, Debbie no quiere que Monica se entere, pero ella va con Norma y Frank, quien termina apareciendo en el cartel. Mientras que la compilación de Carl de un libro negro de las mujeres más sexys que conoce le trae problemas, la broma enfermiza de Tom para hacer pensar a Stan que se ha ahorcado llevará a que él deje el área con Carrie.
  • 7.4

    Breaking Point

    episodio S6.E6 marzo 2009
    After a night of drink Paddy wakes to find himself tied to a bed in Maureen's house. But this is not a sex game. Maureen's teen-aged daughter died of an overdose of heroin supplied by Paddy and now she intends to inject him with his own merchandise. Lonely DSS fraud officer Bernard calls on Frank to find out why he is claiming for children who have left home. Frank tries to bribe him with drink and a session at the brothel but Monica's wiles ensure that the case will be 'lost' though Frank is unhappy with her seduction method. Micky begs Carl to keep quiet after Carl discovers he is into men and Carrie and Tom move on,taking the contents of the police house with them.
  • 7.4

    Always Leave Them Wanting More

    episodio S6.E7 marzo 2009
    Ian returns from his travels. However, he's unaware that the car he's driving harbors secret cargo. Ian makes an even more shocking discovery when returning home to the Gallaghers' to find history has repeated itself.
  • 7.5


    episodio S6.E8 marzo 2009
    Maureen libera a Paddy, quien regresa a casa adicto a la heroína aunque Mimi cree que tiene cáncer. Kelly descubre la verdad y se lo cuenta a Shane. Ella ha renunciado al burdel y están llevando a cabo un plan para chantajear a hombres casados que tienen relaciones sexuales con ella en hoteles antes de que Shane irrumpa en ellos. Sin embargo, un hombre ataca a Shane, quien termina en coma. Los Gallagher creen que han heredado una casa de cuatro habitaciones de una tía fallecida, pero resulta ser solo una caravana. Karen y Jamie tienen otra pelea pública cuando ella se opone a que él sea co-licenciatario, ya que se niega a dejar que el pub pase a manos de los Maguire.
  • 7.3

    The Darkest Hour

    episodio S6.E9 marzo 2009
    Shane is left temporarily paralysed,causing Mimi and Kelly to fight over which one of them should care for him,which in turn leads to Kelly telling Mimi that Paddy is an addict. Mimi eventually agrees to stand by her husband. Ian and Danny move into Danny's grandfather's house and Norma decides to go back to lorry driving. Old flame Ruby suggests they start over but Norma sees that,with Monica gone,Liam and Stella need a mother and returns to the estate. Suspecting that Joe is overly controlling to Mandy Karen confronts him but ends up having sex with him.
  • 7.2

    To The Future

    episodio S6.E10 marzo 2009
    Frank is summonsed to Liam's school as the boy is granted a special scholarship due to his brightness. Both parents are required to attend so Norma poses as Frank's wife,the pair of them fancying Liam's school mistress. Kelly engages Meena as Shane's physiotherapist though her methods prove to be rather too hands on and Maxine and Micky grow close due to their mutual lust for Carl. As sole licensee of the Jockey Karen fires Jamie,who retaliates by selling his share of the pub to Joe.
  • 7.4


    episodio S6.E11 abril 2009
    Hearing that Joe has been abusing Mandy Jamie hospitalizes him but,given that her son is on licence for killing a man,Mimi takes the rap and is remanded in custody. Zeta's husband Ady is a sergeant on the case and suspects a cover-up,blackmailing Micky into having sex with him though Maxine calls his bluff,as well as showing Carl how to thwart thieves on his milk round. Frank discovers Paddy's addiction and tells the boys. As Shane and Micky are hopeless as drug dealers Jamie must take over the business.
  • 7.5

    Cold Turkey

    episodio S6.E12 abril 2009
    Cuando informan que Liam falta a la escuela, Ian descubre que, como tiene conocimientos de lenguaje de señas, Liam ha estado tratando de ayudar a Danny a encontrar a su padre, pero esto lleva a una separación entre Ian y Danny. Yvonne está preocupada de que Meena, que ahora está comenzando una carrera como modelo, esté posando para fotos más provocativas de lo que debería, y Mandy confía en Frank que no está segura si debería dejar a Joe.
  • 7.3

    What About Me?

    episodio S6.E13 abril 2009
    Chesney loses his cherry to housewife Lorna and becomes infatuated with her. However,literally caught with his pants down by her tough-looking soldier husband he realises that the man allows his wife's promiscuous indulgence to make up for his own deficiency. Joe agrees to drop the charges against Mimi provided Mandy returns to him and Mandy agrees though she plans to leave him later. However Karen and Jamie are reconciled. Liam and Stella are taken into care after a neighbour finds Frank comatose in charge of them. Debbie lets fly at him and he reacts predictably - by getting drunk.
  • 7.4

    Haunted by the Past

    episodio S6.E14 abril 2009
    Despite Frank's efforts to stay sober Social Services doubt his parenting abilities and Debbie trying to snatch Liam and Stella from the foster-home does not help. Fortunately Yvonne is accepted as the new foster parent. She has persuaded Meena to return home from the brothel but a larger problem when husband Kash,who faked his suicide,leaving the children to believe he was dead,returns and wants money to vanish again. Desperate Yvonne and Stan devise a plan which ensures that this time he will stay dead. Mimi is released and a contrite Joe sells his share of the pub back to Jamie whilst declaring his love for Mandy.
  • 8.2


    episodio S6.E15 mayo 2009
    Paddy ha dejado de consumir drogas de manera abrupta, pero Mimi aún cree que él la traicionó con Maureen y se muestra hostil. Después de que Frank defeca en público, Debbie lo echa de casa y él se refugia en un confesionario de una iglesia, donde escucha a Mimi planeando contratar a un asesino a sueldo para matar a Paddy. Él le cuenta a Paddy, quien decide pagarle más al asesino para que mate a Mimi, aunque finalmente el pistolero intenta matar a ambos, pero es noqueado por Mark, el nuevo novio de Debbie. Joe le propone matrimonio a Mandy e Ian planea regresar a España a pesar de los esfuerzos de Liam por hacerlo quedarse utilizando a Micky como posible amante.
  • 8.4

    It's Over

    episodio S6.E16 mayo 2009
    Enfadado por haber perdido su asignación por hijo a Yvonne, Frank logra que ella le pague por cuidar a los niños mientras los manda a una mujer en el bar a un precio más bajo. Maxine encuentra una forma novedosa de declarar sus sentimientos por Carl en público, mientras que Karen descubre que está embarazada. Sospechando que Joe podría ser el padre, le cuenta a Mandy sobre su aventura y le pide que no se case con Joe. Sin embargo, Mandy es atraída a la casa de Maureen, donde la mujer mayor, desesperada y trastornada, pretende mostrarle a Paddy lo que significa perder a una hija y hace explotar la casa, matándose a sí misma y a Mandy.
  • 7.4

    Perfectly Frank

    episodio S7.E1 enero 2010
    It's Frank's 50th. Uncharacteristically, he snubs the chance for a party and opts to dwell in his own lonely loveless existence - until librarian Libby falls into his life.
  • 6.9


    episodio S7.E2 febrero 2010
    The Maguire clan is fully mobilized for the christening of its newest member: baby Connor. Mimi is organizing everything, including reallocating godmother duties, leaving Kelly devastated.
  • 7.2

    Out of Control

    episodio S7.E3 febrero 2010
    Karen's obsession to prove herself more than just a mother has Jamie worried. Liam's pursuit of true love is threatened by his own lies, and Maxine is in turmoil when faced with a choice.
  • 7.1


    episodio S7.E4 febrero 2010
    With Karen in hospital still Mimi leaves Paddy to help Jamie run the Jockey and acquires a toy-boy,Billy,the pub's football team's star - but under-age - striker. However,when he becomes infatuated with her Mimi has to pull a bizarre stunt to frighten him out of town. Paddy,meanwhile,failing to pull at the disco pays Kelly for sex and Chesney watches Joe getting barred from every casino in town for cheating. Frank,temporarily blinded by boot-leg vodka,has a bizarre sexual encounter.
  • 7.3

    The Things You Do For Love

    episodio S7.E5 febrero 2010
    Karen returns home and is cared for by Mimi,who tries to keep her daughter-in-law's illness a secret. However Jamie finds it hard to accept and on a night out has casual sex with Michelle,who runs an escort agency. Maxine gets Ian to pose as her boyfriend to impress her parents, a fact which makes both Carl and Micky jealous and when Micky catches the couple in bed together and tells Carl the brothers end up fighting. Kelly runs Lilian's brothel in her absence and does well, but refuses to cut Paddy in as he requests her to.
  • 6.9

    From Chatsworth To Cuba

    episodio S7.E6 marzo 2010
    Paddy has met a woman called D'reen who shares his love of salsa and with whom he hopes to emigrate to Cuba but Mimi commits him to a final job,robbing the family's enemy,the psychopathic Roscoe. With the bailiffs calling on the Gallaghers Liam has to make money fast by joining Joe on his illicit gambling. Ian and Carl are still at loggerheads over Maxine and Jamie,as well as helping his father,is working as a male escort for Michelle as Karen sinks under the weight of her post-natal depression,rejecting Connor.
  • 7


    episodio S7.E7 marzo 2010
    Having served a short prison term for inciting a riot over the library closure Libby is back,driving a mobile library van and,after some misgivings,Frank agrees they should make a go of it. Lilian buys a HD television whose white noise leads her to believe that she has a link to the after-life and conducts a seance but it turns out to be a technical fault. After Karen accuses him of infidelity Jamie quits working as a male escort and Carl willingly takes his place.
  • 7

    Marry Me

    episodio S7.E8 marzo 2010
    As Libby and Patty move in Frank offers to paint Patty's room but,when he falls over absconding with the paint,he feigns injury to get out of the task before buying cheap road marker paint from the workmen. Karen improves but Kelly,ashamed of her session with Paddy,repeatedly turns down Shane's marriage proposals until Paddy tells his son the truth and the couple wed. Chesney and Carl go on the run after seeing the ultra-violent Jimmy beat to death a boy who has sex with his sister and threaten to claim that Chesney was the killer.
  • 7.3

    The Wild Tales

    episodio S7.E9 marzo 2010
    The council ask the residents to make a film to improve the estate's image though Micky's violent take on 'Taxi Driver' is not what they expected. Meanwhile the Gallaghers use the filming to shadow Jimmy but when Ian confronts him he gets a severe beating. Chesney and Carl hole up with the free-spirited Hazel on her cannabis farm in Wales but she is also hiding a deadly secret and Carl decides to return home. Mimi joins the W.I. to soften her image and gets her revenge when the others look down on her.
  • 7.3

    Great Dangers

    episodio S7.E10 marzo 2010
    Chesney and Carl return to the estate,hiding out with Joe,who dissuades Carl from shooting Jimmy. Eventually Shane,increasingly angry at how the cocky Jimmy and his gang see themselves as beyond the law whilst terrorising the Gallaghers,persuades his family to take them on and teach them a lesson. Maxine persuades Jimmy's sister to tell the police the truth and the fugitives are cleared though Maxine still aborts Carl's child. Shane also finds that he is infertile,leading to his family offering to be sperm donors though Kelly declines their offer as she and Shane continue to be surrogate parents to Liam.
  • 7.4

    Fallen Heroes

    episodio S7.E11 abril 2010
    When Liam befriends a World War II veteran to help him with his school project, he finds solace in the old man's company, but Libby spies on them and jumps to all the wrong conclusions.
  • 7.4


    episodio S7.E12 abril 2010
    Libby makes it clear to Frank she wants a child but she and Liam do reconcile. However,at the Jockey's Talent Contest night it's Liam's new friend Dean who helps him win - approval. Ian is involved with the local boxing club and discovers that its owner Jock and Paddy have ill-feeling which goes back a long way. Jock owes Paddy money and to prevent him taking his gym he torches it. Fortunately Micky,recently accepted as a fireman,is on hand to act and to save Paddy - at long last gaining his father's respect.
  • 7.1

    Keep It in the Family

    episodio S7.E13 abril 2010
    When Kelly's fifteen year old sister Tonya arrives to stay her child has been taken into care but she has a chance of reclaiming it if she proves she can look after a robotic baby. However she dumps it on the Maguires whilst she goes out on the lash and Micky sadly acknowledges that her child would be better off without her though he rallies the family to scare off her father Homer,who is also the father of her baby. Frank accompanies Patty to Lourdes,where they masquerade as clerics to steal the altar wine and Frank appears to be on the receiving end of a miracle.
  • 7.1

    Secret Relations

    episodio S7.E14 abril 2010
    When Paddy plans to move on with new lady friend Rosalita he and Mimi decide to divorce,only to discover their marriage was never legal.so they have to get married again quickly to make the children legitimate. They hope to keep things secret but Micky finds out. After Frank has stolen from her Patty sets him up for benefit fraud,leading to a day in the cells for them both whilst Micky gets picked up by attractive Gary. Unfortunately Gary thinks Micky is Paddy and is only sleeping with him for the status,which he publicly declares.
  • 7.2

    The End of The Affair

    episodio S7.E15 mayo 2010
    Bruce,now live-in barman at the Jockey,takes over the football team and enters them in an all gay football contest,much to the disgust of Chesney. Maxine meets her old art teacher,Marc,recently widowed,and agrees to pose topless for his class. However she turns down a relationship with him so as not to betray Ian. Joe learns of his father's death on his birthday and determines to run away with Karen and Connor. However Ian follows and,when Joe violently attacks Karen,who wants to return to Jamie,he brains him.
  • 7.8

    Gang Wars

    episodio S7.E16 mayo 2010
    Ayudado por su amigo Anto, Joe huye de la finca con Karen y Connor, pero cuando Karen expresa su deseo de regresar con Jamie, Joe se vuelve violento e intenta estrangularla. Afortunadamente, Ian los ha seguido y lo mata. De vuelta en el Jockey, escenario de una amnistía de armas, Roscoe, a quien los Maguire estafaron con dinero falso, irrumpe con su pandilla y toma a todos como rehenes, amenazando con disparar a Shane y Jamie. Sin embargo, Frank, Bruce y Micky, que están en el sótano, acceden a las armas entregadas y logran salvar el día armando a todos... excepto a Mimi, que está arriba. Los dolores que ella creía eran síntomas de la menopausia resultan ser una señal de embarazo y da a luz a una niña.
  • 7.2

    The Night Before

    episodio S8.E1 enero 2011
    Karen returns and tries to patch things up with Jamie whilst Mimi,who has called her baby Cilla,tries in vain to find out who the father is. Libby and Frank's wedding plans are interrupted by news of Debbie's death and the arrival of Monica,who in fact had put a friend up to falsely reporting the non-existent death to hurt Frank. Frank enjoys himself at his stag night but then disappears whilst new resident Avril Powell organizes a hen party for Libby,at which Mimi collapses and is rushed to hospital.
  • 7


    episodio S8.E2 enero 2011
    Frank is still AWOL and Libby is distraught that Monica is demanding custody of Stella and Liam, while Karen is keen to move forward as a family in counseling.
  • 7.1

    Where's Frank?

    episodio S8.E3 enero 2011
    Frank is in a mental ward at the mercy of Monica's lover ,nurse Mildred,but Libby believes he has deserted her and spends the wedding money on a new kitchen. Avril sets out to look after Mimi,causing Mimi to temporarily have 'impure' thoughts about her whilst Shane takes over security at the school where Jackson works. He helps young Jude overcome bullying by his twin but there is still competition between him and Jamie over business. Micky attempts to help his ex-con pen-pal come out to his family but just stops short of outing himself to Mimi and his brothers.
  • 6.6

    Back Home

    episodio S8.E4 enero 2011
    Chesney's cousin Sita fails her exams but her tutor John Cromer agrees to pass her if they have sex,which leads to his being set up and filmed by Carl to compromise him into passing Sita. Patty's great nephew Aidan,an aggressive little brat,comes to stay after his single mother,a drug addict and prostitute,has been jailed. He soon gets into a fight with Jackson and uses Libby's credit card to access Interner porn. Karen and Jamie reconcile,Karen agreeing to out-patient treatment at the local psychiatric hospital,where she sees Frank and tells Libby.
  • 7.3

    Wedding of Disaster

    episodio S8.E5 enero 2011
    Monica informs Libby that she has twenty-four hours to marry Frank or else she will nullify the divorce and reclaim the house. Recognizing Mildred Fletcher as Monica's lover Frank steals her keys and escapes with a girl called Carly,putting Mildred wise as to Monica's true nature. However,as Libby has broken into the unit he has to recruit the Maguire boys to go back with him to rescue her. At the Jockey the wedding is about to take place,Liam sending a letter to say he will stay with Monica to try and make her a better person. Monica is beaten but Libby and Frank decide not to marry but live together instead.
  • 7

    Gangster Gallagher

    episodio S8.E6 enero 2011
    Kelly is angry with Shane for taking money from their joint account for the business and helps herself to two grand,an act which spells danger for Carl on his first day as a courier for the Maguires and though Jamie ensures he has a memorable twenty-first Shane warns him against doing business with his brother. Micky meanwhile persuades a reluctant Chesney to help him set up a gay chat-line and comments about football by Mimi mistakenly lead Jackson to believe she is racist.
  • 6.9

    Kidnap and Ransom

    episodio S8.E7 enero 2011
    Kelly and Shane start a business satisfying people's sexual fantasies. However,whilst helping MP's wife Sandra Brown enact her fantasy of being kidnapped they attract police attention and are soon besieged on the estate. Fortunately Shane has an elaborate plan which will return Sandra without any arrests and make him a pile of money. Sita discovers Chesney's Muslim driving school is a front for wild parties and teaches him a lesson by calling in the anti-terrorist squad,at the same time securing compensation for their ailing shop.
  • 6.8

    Together in Heaven

    episodio S8.E8 febrero 2011
    To get money for Cilla and do his bit for morals Micky creates a fake child porn site Skool Dreamz,with no nude photos,to get the credit card details of would-be punters and bankrupt them. Unfortunately the family is arrested for fraud but Micky gives a rousing speech in court which has no bearing on the case being dismissed. Working on a help line Patty meets and marries depressive Trevor but finds he only wants her for a suicide pact,which she is not about to fulfil. Sita gets one over on Aidan,who has been sexually harassing her.
  • 6.7

    Maguire Meltdown

    episodio S8.E9 febrero 2011
    After sleepless nights with Cilla Mimi is starting to feel bad and believes that she is going mad,as one of her relatives did,and that the house is haunted. Finally she believes that Kelly and Shane are trying to kill her and locks them out of the house though she recovers after seeing a vision of Mandy,who tells her what to do. Kelly is suspicious of the power new girl Bonnie exerts over Lillian in the brothel and Avril and Jackson's continuing efforts to spice up their sex life leads daughter Letitia to believe that her father is having an affair.
  • 6.9

    Sickness and Health

    episodio S8.E10 febrero 2011
    Micky gets a cat,Dusty,from the pet shelter and,wrongly believing it has Feline AIDs consults elderly gay Lulu,who is HIV positive. When Lulu dies Mimi appears sympathetic to gays but adds that she would feel she had done something wrong if she had a gay child. After Carl is injured minding the shop in Chesney's absence Sita drives the car Jamie wanted him to deliver,only for them to discover it was stolen and a knicker-thief,stealing Mimi's pants off the washing line,brings fear to the estate.
  • 6.9


    episodio S8.E11 febrero 2011
    Kelly is appalled to find that Lillian has formally adopted Bonnie and given her the brothel,which she sets about altering. However Bonnie is a very mixed up young woman and,unable to face up to Lilian's love for her,kills herself. Also disturbed is Jennie,the carer Libby hires to look after Patty because Jennie has a pathological hatred of old people,stemming from her childhood,and Libby has to save her mother from her. Carl is upset when Sita tells him she is returning to Pakistan for an arranged marriage though he has a new,unwanted admirer in Letitia.
  • 6.9

    Sibling Rivalry

    episodio S8.E12 marzo 2011
    Mimi is surprised when her brother Bobbi turns up to announce he's soon to become her sister! Meanwhile, Jackson dabbles in local politics while Shane's new clamping business causes mayhem.
  • 6.9

    Beginnings and Ends

    episodio S8.E13 marzo 2011
    Following a charity evening at the Jockey Shane resists the advances of wheelchair-bound teenager Tilly Pucker,who consequently accuses him of stealing her chair and the charity collection. When her minders pursue Shane however the entire Maguire clan ,including Jamie,close ranks and family harmony is restored. Increasingly disheartened at Frank's lack of romance,especially after hearing he had oral sex with Letitia's headmistress, Libby invents a fictional lover to make him jealous. He sees through the ruse but she decides to leave him anyway,despite his accidental torching of her library van.
  • 6.8

    The Not-So Deceased

    episodio S8.E14 agosto 2011
    Paddy returns to the Chatsworth in a coffin. Karen sets up a children's entertainment business, but when a catfight with a sexy rival is popular with the dads, she finds a new way to make extra cash.
  • 6.2

    My Name Is Avril

    episodio S8.E15 septiembre 2011
    Avril starts living above her means,sending Letitia to a private school and Jackson is horrified to learn she has been financing it by embezzling the Jockey's holiday fund. Vilified by the estate she goes to work for Lillian but Jackson's overtime and Letitia's scams pay off the money owing. Mimi meets fellow jogger Neil and is soon enjoying a sexual relationship but dumps him when she learns he prefers her to gain rather than lose weight. Chesney is concerned that delivery driver Gorky,separated from his wife,is abusing Bean,his 12-year old daughter and sets out to frame him for drug-dealing.However Bean takes drastic action of her own and Chesney helps her to escape.
  • 6.5

    Frank Gallagher: Sent By God

    episodio S8.E16 septiembre 2011
    Jackson over-reacts when he sees Letitia kissing her boyfriend Dee and goes to Dee's house to complain,only to discover that his mother Alyah,is an old flame of his and Dee in all probability his son so he persuades Carl to help him break the couple up. Frank,drunk as usual,accidentally gets onto a mini-bus and eventually wakes up in a synagogue where a man named Isaac believes he is an angel sent from God though Frank's response is to steal the candelabra. With Jamie having legally taken over the Jockey during her breakdown Karen feels it is time to get her share of the pub back,which she does by beating Jamie at cards and at last they both have their names over the door.
  • 6.9


    episodio S8.E17 septiembre 2011
    Handsome,charismatic lay preacher Jesue (real name Eric) O'Toole and his busload of acolytes invade the estate,picketing 'immoral'businesses and leading the Maguires to consider violence to get rid of them,only Aidan finding romance with young disciple Grace. However Kelly and Micky have a better solution,tempting Jesus with the flesh and causing him to renounce his faith. Patty,having fallen downstairs and been genuinely invalided,does a deal with Frank to stay in his house whilst Marty Fisher,on the run from the CSA,causes discord between Kelly and Shane.
  • 7.8

    Frank in the Frame

    episodio S8.E18 septiembre 2011
    Mickey le da un ultimátum a Mimi: o se va la nueva caldera o él. Y hay un alboroto en The Jockey cuando Frank se queda con la tarjeta rasca y gana de Cynthia.
  • 6.6

    Moving Back

    episodio S8.E19 octubre 2011
    Aidan's bad behaviour has landed him in court, but it's Patty who'll decide the outcome. Cilla's abduction forces Mimi to face her past and her family, and Mickey helps Marty do up the flat
  • 7.1

    Career Criminal

    episodio S8.E20 octubre 2011
    When the Maguires see CCTV footage of Marty's inept attempted robbery Shane realises the robber is using his clothes and gun and calls the police,sending Marty on the run. Kelly's affections are torn and when Shane tells her that Marty's wife and children died in a mysterious fire in Spain and the arsonist has yet to be caught she is unsure what to believe. Billy tries to get back into Mimi's good books but very nearly fails when he attempts to kill the annoying local priest who is conducting Cilla's christening.
  • 6.9

    The Maguire Motto

    episodio S8.E21 octubre 2011
    Micky has landed in court and been given community service,helping supervise a social group for people with Downs Syndrome and autism. He notes that one group member Ray is brilliant with numbers and takes him to hit the casino but he is rubbish there and only interested in Kelly - who admits to Karen she is pregnant by Marty. When the unpopular group leader Michelle gets pushed downstairs Micky takes over organizing the annual play,a Nativity,which he stages at the Jockey and it is a huge success. Mimi gets Billy to 'man up' by joining her on a burglary. Escaping the law they hide in a church,where he proposes to her.
  • 7

    PC Gallagher

    episodio S8.E22 octubre 2011
    Kelly admits her pregnancy,telling a heart-broken Shane that she no longer loves him. After doing nothing while witnessing a mugging in a park Carl finally champions old school mate,constable Simon Wexford,accused of injuring a robber,and ends up being accepted for police training. Despite her sons' efforts to scare Billy off Mimi proves her devotion to him by turning down an offer to join Paddy in Bangkok and soon Mimi has become Mrs. Billy Tutton.
  • 7

    The End of an Era

    episodio S9.E1 enero 2012
    Kelly moves in with Marty,asking Micky to leave. Jackson celebrates qualifying as a teacher but festivities are short-lived,due to Operation New Start,a multi-agency based crackdown on the benefit culture of the estate led by hard as nails Carmen Kenaway and her adoring assistant Daniella Feeney. Soon they are evicting dozens of residents,who take refuge at the Jockey but,since over-night stays breach its licence,Kenaway demands its closure. Having unsuccessfully tried to save himself by turning super-grass Frank is made to become a double agent,discovering that Operation New Start wants nothing less than to obliterate the estate as it is seen as an example of throwing good money after bad.
  • 6.8

    Save Chatsworth

    episodio S9.E2 enero 2012
    His teaching job withdrawn Jackson is in the same boat as the others as the estate risks becoming a ghost town but the residents fight back,playing 'musical houses' by taking over each others' homes and claiming squatters' rights. Kenaway responds with fire bombs but the Maguires play to her greed,kidnapping her and making her an offer she does not refuse,which makes her rich and saves the estate. Frank is reconciled with new police recruit Carl but Kelly suffers a miscarriage.
  • 7.1

    Open To All

    episodio S9.E3 enero 2012
    Despite an awkward interview Avril gets a job in a hospital pharmacy but Marty is concerned that Kelly,rather than grieve for her dead child,throws herself into partying. Given their age gap Mimi insists she and Billy should have an open marriage,having other sex partners. Shane takes Billy to a club whilst Mimi goes on the pull with her friend Gloria. Both pull but do not enjoy it. Patty attends a friend's funeral and hopes to make money when the deceased's son,Alan,who never knew his mother,attaches himself to her but he becomes obsessive and Patty has to let him down gently,eschewing any rewards.
  • 7.2


    episodio S9.E4 enero 2012
    On a lads' night out, Mickey looks for love in the wrong places and is savagely attacked. Meanwhile, Carl falls for the beautiful Clem and Mimi's sexy, challenging niece turns up at the Maguire house.
  • 7.2

    Cop Killer

    episodio S9.E5 enero 2012
    Aidan feels guilty that he stood by and let Kane rape Lara,especially when Kane turns his attentions to Letitia. After letting Lara stay with him and Patty Aidan agrees to testify and Kane is arrested. Jamie is almost tricked into doing the dirty work of a discredited policeman,Brooksy,to whom he owes a favour,but Karen stops him in time and Brooksy is sent packing after trying to knife Jamie. Micky ends up with a baby instead of a debt he was sent to collect and decides to move on,becoming a single father. As he leaves he is about to come out but Mimi,already aware of his sexuality,prevents him.
  • 6.8

    Last Man Standing

    episodio S9.E6 febrero 2012
    Shane recruits Jackson to help him rob a cigarette delivery at a local supermarket though the plan goes wrong and they have to flee. They do however come up with a lucrative alternative,selling food discarded by the supermarket. Gloria's brother Dom,a priest suspended for his drinking and womanizing,arrives,pursued by two angry husbands whilst Carl leaves for his police training,after a less than cordial farewell with Frank,now the proud owner of Terry the terrapin. Chesney takes drastic measures to avoid being the live-in boyfriend of the buxom Lise,alias Toploader.
  • 6.7

    All Fall Down

    episodio S9.E7 febrero 2012
    Avril takes matters into her own hands on discovering her colleague Callum is addicted to the pills they are dispensing and Kelly,rejecting advice from those around her,flees the estate and ends up at a drugs rave. However,after passing out she imagines a conversation with a concerned Marty and returns to him. Dom bets Karen that if he successfully beds Ruby he can have her too but Karen tells Ruby,who leads Dom on but loses him the bet. Frank nonetheless suspects that Karen is attracted to Dom.
  • 6.7


    episodio S9.E8 febrero 2012
    Marty's efforts to redirect the power supply to get free electricity plunges the estate in darkness though he believes that,having had so many volts pass through him and still survived,he is chosen for something. It still fails to prevent the looters from giving him a kicking. Whilst Jamie holds a lock-in at the Jockey - where Frank loses his coat - the women gather for drinks at Mimi's. Here Gloria confesses that her parents kept Dom but put her up for adoption and,on going to the pub for more drinks,she ends up in bed with Jamie. Chesney passes out whilst demonstrating to Billy his fitness regime for protecting the shop against thieves.
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    Decision Time

    episodio S9.E9 febrero 2012
    Following his collapse Chesney comes out of hospital to find that his cousin Toof wants to take him back to Bradford,where he can be offered a more affluent life-style. However Chesney realises that this this will place him under the thumb of his grandfather,the shop owner,and,encouraged by Patti,decides to stay on the estate and build the shop up on his own terms. Ruby and Kelly are recruited onto Lillian's panel to recruit new girls for the brothel. They do not get on though the brothel certainly ends up with a new look. Jamie continues his affair with Gloria,who,unlike him,seems to have no guilt feelings.
  • 7.4

    Million Dollar Maguire

    episodio S9.E10 marzo 2012
    When Frank tells the Maguire brothers that Manchester's former war rooms have been taken over by the NAtional Lottery and are now home to thousands of scratch cards the boys,along with Frank,Ruby and Aidan,hatch a plan to tunnel underneath the main hall and steal the cards. Unnfortunately Frank's stupidity and a general falling out among thieves leads to the tunnel collapsing and trapping them. In Jamie's absence Karen sets out to prove to Mimi that she can replace him as the collector for the family's business whilst Letitia and her friends Keisha and Heaven post a girl band video online but suffer from a hacker.
  • 7.6

    Rescue Me

    episodio S9.E11 marzo 2012
    Jamie, Shane, Frank, Aidan y Ruby están atrapados bajo tierra donde la presión está aumentando y las verdades, mentiras y confesiones están presentes en abundancia.
  • 7.1

    The Working Man

    episodio S10.E1 septiembre 2012
    Frank is having a terrible nightmare - he has been sentenced to life imprisonment and subject to the taunts of a sarcastic warder. But the reality,from Frank's viewpoint,is just as horrendous. The Department of Work and Pensions has finally caught up with him and considered him fit for work. His attempts to get Patty to injure him go wrong and he ends up working for World of Burgers. Shane and Jackson set up their own still,selling hooch to the pub and Mimi bribes them to employ Billy,who turns out to be more professional than imagined until he gets the mix wrong. Avril goes into business selling tablets to Patty,which has an odd effect on her.
  • 6.9

    The World of Burger

    episodio S10.E2 septiembre 2012
    Frank does well at World of Burgers,becoming employee of the week and hits it off with colleagues and customers but not the sweaty manager Wesley,who makes him dress as a giant chicken to promote the place. Frank retaliates with a go-slow so Wesley promotes him to manager but,following an armed robbery by one of his acquaintances,Frank is demoted again. Karen is alarmed when her son Connor starts to draw penises on walls so Mimi,with the aid of a stolen library book,starts to give her lessons in motherhood. However,after a traumatic incident with her daughter Cilla,Mimi realises that child rearing cannot be conducted via books and that each case is different. Kelly,angry with Aiden for calling her an old prozzie, tries to teach him to respect women,ultimately becoming a surrogate mother figure for him.
  • 6.9

    The Brazilian Effect

    episodio S10.E3 septiembre 2012
    Whilst working as a handyman Marty meets Brazilian Aparecita,whom he believes is a domestic slave and spends three grand belonging to Lilian to 'free' her. As a solution Lilian employs her at the brothel,where she is very happy,but Marty's misguided attempts to liberate her further only end in her arrest. Gloria is appalled when Dominic brings home Hazel,the birth mother who gave her up for adoption whilst keeping her brother. Dominic is still his mother's darling and Hazel wants them to leave together but Dominic resists though at least the two women have a brief heart to heart before Hazel departs. Billy feels he is being walked over and uses a self help hypnosis tape with strange results whilst Shane,being distracted by a phone message from wanton cousin Ruby,runs over a pedestrian in his car.
  • 6.7

    Who's The Mummy?

    episodio S10.E4 septiembre 2012
    Short of cash Gloria gets a loan with a huge interest rate and gets drunk,waking up at Mimi's. Next day Billy finds a positive pregnancy test kit and,assuming Mimi is pregnant,gets advice from Jamie - who concludes that Gloria is actually pregnant after their fling. He offers her money for an abortion but,finding that the result was a false alarm, she rejects it. However Dominic gets Jamie to pay her to keep the secret from Karen. Chesney and Aidan are shocked when Jamie sends them to collect the meat for the pub raffle and end up with a live cow,which they call Alan. Too attached to it to kill it they let it go and buy in meat instead. Shane engineers a meeting with Ruthie,the widow of the man he ran over,whilst Avril annoys Jackson by clubbing with young colleague Calum but draws the line when the lad gets too serious.
  • 6.9

    The Truth Will Out

    episodio S10.E5 octubre 2012
    Calling himself Danny McKenzie Shane continues to befriend Ruthie,agreeing to help her choose a headstone for her dead husband Eddie. However not only does he face opposition from Ruthie's teen-aged son Sean,who masturbates in public,but is haunted by Eddie's abusive ghost. Finally,rather than admit the truth to Ruthie,he takes Kelly's advice and roughly breaks things off with her. Kelly herself and Lilian face opposition when the super-efficient Louise opens a rival brothel at knock-down prices,stealing away some of Lilian's regulars,including Frank. When Louise offers Kelly a job she takes the opportunity to spy on her rival and,having obtained the details of all of Louise's clients,uses a little blackmail to see off the opposition.
  • 6.6

    Secrets and Wives

    episodio S10.E6 octubre 2012
    After seeing a fatal road accident Marty decides that life is fleeting and eventually proposes to Kelly,who accepts. However when he receives a letter from his supposedly dead children in Spain,he is anxious to fly out to see what has happened. He does assure Kelly that he still wants to marry her so the engagement party goes ahead without him. Karen suspects Jamie of infidelity,initially with Ruby,but,convinced she is wrong,tries to set a honey trap with Gloria. Jamie tries to cover himself by claiming that Gloria came on to him but she sees it as prudent to end the affair. Lilian has a vision in which a talking dog warns her of imminent calamity on the estate. However the dog later returns to tell her that she was unable to prevent either of the lovers' tiffs.
  • 6.9

    Business As Usual

    episodio S10.E7 octubre 2012
    Jackson and Shane are flourishing as wheeler dealers with stolen solar panels and food past its sell-by date. However when Shane,to Jackson's annoyance,starts to give away some left-overs to the homeless he has a queue of unemployed in the yard seeking hand-outs and agrees to donate food to the local Catholic priest. But the priest goes behind his back to steal his business,leaving Shane to resort to blackmail to get his livelihood back. Patty organizes coffee mornings for other elderly folk but is exposed as having played on their absent-mindedness to win money and jewellery from them by gambling. Soon she is reviled all over the estate but Kelly detects that she is cranking up the abuse to gain sympathy and forces her into a deal. Meanwhile Billy is having problems in the bedroom department which Lilian,Dominic and a little plain talking soon cure.
  • 7.3

    What Are Friends For?

    episodio S10.E8 octubre 2012
    Following the suicide of his old flame Alice, Dominic loses both his faith and the will to live and asks Frank to help him to kill himself. Frank,however,does his best to sabotage every attempt until eventually Dominic has an epiphany whilst sitting on the roof of a high building and decides to return to the land of the living,seeing it as his business to stop Avril's attempt to help her daughter Letitia lose her cherry. Meanwhile Lillian gets her own back on magistrate Malcolm,a client who has passed her off as his life coach to justify his expenses.
  • 7.1

    Great Rivalry

    episodio S10.E9 octubre 2012
    Jamie is receiving death threats by letter and text and,after his lock-up is torched and Karen's blouse nailed to the door,suspects that one of the pub regulars is in league with his tormenters. After Karen is attacked he agrees to meet the gang responsible and give them two hundred thousand pounds to back off but is shocked when he discovers who is behind the threats. Whilst Frank,now sacked,claims he has had sex by proxy with all the estate through 'Sex Degrees of Separation' Avril wrongly diagnoses Patty with terminal leukaemia,which gives Patty the opportunity to insult the whole estate. However Avril has cause to think again when the real results come through.
  • 7.7

    One Year On

    episodio S10.E10 noviembre 2012
    Frank está encargado de decirle a Patty que está gravemente enferma, pero ella ya lo sabe y le pide que la ayude a ver Irlanda antes de morir. Sin fondos para el viaje en ferry, la lleva a la playa de Waterloo, donde ella jura que puede ver su país de origen. A petición de ella, la deja sola y, al regresar, descubre que ella ha tomado las cosas en sus propias manos. Mientras Mimi se prepara para su aniversario de bodas, sus constantes críticas hacia el padre de Ruby llevan a Ruby a tomarla como rehén con un cuchillo, con consecuencias trágicas. Dominic lleva el amor fraternal a otro nivel con Gloria, pero Jackson, al enterarse del affaire de Avril con el joven Calum del trabajo, la abandona.
  • 7.1

    The Golden Empire

    episodio S11.E1 febrero 2013
    Mimi is now heading the PTA at the local school and twists Frank's arm into becoming the janitor so that he can pick the magic mushrooms in the adjoining field. This does allow him to finance his latest venture with the Gastric Bandits,prostitutes Sherilee and Derrilee. Following a riot on the discovery that the alleged genuine London Olympic ring awarded the estate is,due to a mix-up,a fraud, half the estate are arrested and given community service,which particularly rankles with Avril,who,after her husband's departure,has moved with Letitia into her snobbish sister Patreesha's house. Jamie discovers that Paddy was not his father and travels to Leeds to meet Kassi,his half-brother by their now deceased parent. The meeting does not go well and Jamie makes matters worse when Kassi comes to see him at the pub,throwing him out in anger. Shane,however,finds some contentment,with his new venture - a festival site - and an affair with a policewoman.
  • 7.5

    An Inspector Calls

    episodio S11.E2 marzo 2013
    Mientras Gloria y Dominic continúan su relación incestuosa, la escuela local se prepara para una inspección y Mimi ofrece consejos al director Banbury, aunque él sospecha que ella está construyendo su propio imperio. Durante la inspección, Mimi hace que los habitantes de la finca Chatsworth se hagan pasar por profesores y ellos la hacen sentir orgullosa, al mismo tiempo que muestran cómo lidiar con el problema del niño Adam en la escuela. La escuela está a punto de aprobar la inspección hasta que un accidente en la cocina revela que se está comprando comida chatarra, y Adam está detrás del fraude. Sin embargo, Mimi tiene otro plan para engañar al inspector y hacer que la escuela apruebe. Jamie, después de haberse enfrentado inicialmente a Kassi, le da la bienvenida para otra visita, admitiéndole su pasado criminal, aunque Kassi tiene su propia confesión que hacer. En última instancia, los dos jóvenes descubren que pueden ser amigos después de todo.
  • 6.7

    Money in Mind

    episodio S11.E3 marzo 2013
    Avril reluctantly allows Patreesha to throw her a women only birthday party whilst Mimi is asked by Banbury to help out Mrs Tattersall,a once brilliant teacher,who has now lost her confidence. Helped by drink and drugs Mimi turns her into a no-nonsense ,frightening carbon copy of herself but at the party,unsuccessfully gate-crashed by Frank in drag, Mrs Tattersall admits what is really grieving her - which Mimi is able to put right. Lillian asks Kelly and Marty to retrieve a case from a left luggage locker,containing her life savings of four thousand pounds. However they discover the amount is nearer to fifty thousand and decide to keep some of it to help get them away from the estate,getting Kassi to launder it for them. Lillian is not as innocent of the bag's contents as they thought though and tells Kelly all ties between them are now severed.
  • 6.7

    No-One's Perfect

    episodio S11.E4 marzo 2013
    Jamie wakes up in Kassi's house after a night on the town to find police hammering at the door as Kassi is accused of money-laundering and fraud and his assets confiscated. Jamie is shocked when Kassi tells him of his plan to escape to France but,when this falls,he moves Kassi,his wife and children onto the Chatsworth estate,where they are generally made welcome. Mimi,however,recalling Kassi's father,is extremely hostile. With their mortgage application refused,Kelly and Marty,now outcasts for robbing Lilian, do exit the estate whilst Shane 's bizarre affair with policewoman Randall continues.
  • 6.6

    Risky Business

    episodio S11.E5 marzo 2013
    When Avril loses her job Patreesha insists she work at the car wash Patreesha owns with ex-husband Bernard. However Avril discovers that Bernard was gay and that his lover has been running the business. Determined not to be a sleeping partner Patreesha decides to take an active role and put her stamp on the car-wash. After a disaster with the freezer Chesney decides to refurbish the shop,adding a pharmacy,and brings in British Muslim Remona to run it. Soon he and Patreesha's daughter Mary Mae find evidence to suggest that Remona is making bombs and suspect she is a terrorist - though it turns it she is teaching boy scouts how to make soap. Kassi is arrested after a night out with Jamie and it is down to Jamie to look after his wife Esther and their children.
  • 7.2

    Death and Erasures

    episodio S11.E6 abril 2013
    Aidan is looking after Stan,an elderly,ailing man who does not want to go on with life and kills himself. Fearing that he will be incriminated Aidan enlists the help of Billy,who is useless,and Dominic,who has practical ideas for a cover-up,but they are interrupted by Stan's daughter Angela who is aware of her father's suicidal longings and tells Aidan she knows he is innocent. When Aidan seems unusually flush and is seen driving Stan's car Dominic wonders if he is so innocent after all and informs the police who arrest Aidan. A talk with Angela convinces Dominic that he has been wrong and he owns up to the assisted suicide and is himself charged. Aidan bails him and he flees the estate as the truth of Stan's demise is eventually shown. The Blancos are now living in Avril's old house and Esther's children are concerned about her friendship with Frank. She claims that he is merely being helpful as a neighbour but is taken aback to find him in her bed in the nude.
  • 7.2

    Crime and Punishmemt

    episodio S11.E7 abril 2013
    Mary Mae and Chesney are mutually smitten but fear Patreesha's disapproval. After Avril starts work at the shop - and identifies some rather odd manufacturing by Remona - Letitia and Aidan read that an adrenalin rush will bring a man's passionate nature to the fore and stage a robbery whilst Mary Mae is in the shop. It works but for the wrong reasons when Mary Mae discovers that the thieves have genuinely spent the spoils and confesses everything to Chesney. Shane's music festival is all set to go until Lilian catches him having sex with WPC Randall and tells Mimi.Mimi is convinced her son is being used so the police can launch a drugs raid on the festival and orders him to end the affair. He refuses but the policewoman's love of kinky sex ends it anyway. Fearing antagonism from the family Shane considers calling off the event but Karen persuades him to go ahead with it and it is a success - as is his first attempt to have straightforward,non-kinky sex with his girl in blue.
  • 7.9

    Grandaddy Gallagher

    episodio S11.E8 abril 2013
    Frank está consternado al descubrir que Lip ha estado viviendo cerca con su hija pequeña Katie pero no se ha molestado en visitarla, aunque ha estado en contacto con la abuela materna de Katie, Mimi. Los invita a tomar té, lo cual requiere la ayuda de Esther para limpiar la casa sucia, y conocen a Stella, la más joven de Monica, a quien ha estado cuidando. Mientras Lip se divierte con los otros chicos de la finca y Karen y Jamie lo reciben en el Jockey, Frank se enfurruña. Lo peor está por venir cuando Lip atrapa a su padre teniendo sexo con Derilee y Sherilee y, después de emborracharse, decide que él y Katie deben irse. Así, mientras todos los Maguire son invitados a la confirmación de Katie, Frank está ausente.
  • 6.8

    Domesticated Specialist

    episodio S11.E9 abril 2013
    Chesney is surprised when Remona's father Barry shows up as she had said that he was dead. He gives her a cheque for thirty grand from his house sale and endears himself to Jockey customers with his generosity and anecdotes but Remona is hostile. Learning that Mindy,Barry's new wife,has left him Chesney feels sorry for him but soon learns that Barry has lied about his relationship and joins Remona in helping Mindy escape her husband. Frank accompanies Esther to a Polish evening,hoping for free vodka,but her son Tam,in revenge for Frank stealing his stash of drugs,feeds everybody laxatives whilst WPC Randall becomes jealous of Esther's innocent chats with Shane. Billy gets a tattoo to impress Mimi but the result is a failure.
  • 6.8

    Crossing the Line

    episodio S11.E10 abril 2013
    Hoping to gain respect on the estate Billy goes for a job selling security devices but after a conversation with the sympathetic waitress in the café next door ends up as a short order cook,maintaining the illusion to everybody but Aidan that he has the sales job. To get extra money he arranges for his house to be burgled to claim the insurance but is eventually found out though Mimi is pleased that he did it for her. Esther is shocked to find that Thalia is the school bully and goes around apologizing to everybody though it gets her into trouble from which her artful daughter extricates her with sympathy-gaining lies. Lilian meanwhile takes in Stella,as a result of which the brothel suffers an infestation of nits.
  • 6.3

    The P Factor

    episodio S11.E11 mayo 2013
    Patreesha's boyfriend Louis tells her he has arranged a singing tour of America for her but drops dead of a drug over-dose,leaving a case containing fifty thousand pounds. Patreesha and Avril attempt to cheat each other out of the money,Avril staging a false kidnap attempt involving Shane, but eventually they unite when they learn that Louis was actually a con artist who had cheated several women out of money with false promises of an American tour. Tam Blanco's obsession with stealing knickers from washing-lines meanwhile leads to Frank being wrongly accused of being a pervert.
  • 6.7

    Early Retirement

    episodio S11.E12 mayo 2013
    Mimi decides she wants to retire from dealing and do something good for the community. Her idea is to endow a new gym for the local school. She becomes a tireless fund-raiser though the regulars at the Jockey are less than generous so Billy enlists Chesney and Aidan to help him commit a little robbery,hauling over nine thousand pounds. Karen and Jamie learn of the theft but Mimi sees it as a foundation and when Jamie and Shane work out that Billy was behind the robbery and capture him she frees him,ultimately using some blackmail to get her funds. Shane decides to end his affair with WPC Randall as it is purely sexual but discovers that she is very persistent.
  • 6.7

    Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang

    episodio S11.E13 mayo 2013
    Gun-toting 'Biddy' Baxter arrives at Frank's house. He is Derilee's husband,anxious for her to return to him though she flatly refuses and soon the police are besieging the house with Frank,Stella and Derilee as Biddy's hostages after Biddy has accidentally shot a postman. News coverage brings Monica back to the estate. Courting press publicity she volunteers to be a hostage in Stella's place but,whilst she and Frank seem to get on,Derilee and Biddy's differences come to the fore. As the residents hold a party in the Jockey police storm the house but Biddy lies dead,shot by Derilee - in alleged self defence. She is not prosecuted and she and Sherilee leave the area.
  • 8.1

    End of the Line

    episodio S11.E14 mayo 2013
    Después de cumplir seis meses por fraude de beneficios, Frank es liberado de la cárcel para ser recibido por una Monica muy embarazada, tan embarazada que da a luz en el Jockey. Pronto sufre una grave depresión posparto, molesta por haber tenido un aborto que deshizo del gemelo de su hijo sobreviviente. Con poca ayuda de Frank, convoca a Fiona, Lip y Carl para un funeral ficticio por el niño fallecido, pero Fiona, reconociendo la incapacidad de sus padres para criar más niños, roba a Stella y al bebé y, con la ayuda de Lip, los esconde con Kev Ball mientras habla con Steve sobre proporcionarles vivienda. Stella, con el bebé en brazos, se extravía, causando pánico en el vecindario, pero finalmente encuentra a Frank y lo obliga astutamente a admitir públicamente que la ama. Él los lleva a casa, donde se desata una gran pelea familiar, que a su vez lleva a una reconciliación y una celebración en el Jockey, mientras otra pelea comienza y se llama a la policía, como en los viejos tiempos.

Mejores momentos10

  • 7.3
    64% de los votos

    Great Dangers

    episodio S7.E10 marzo 2010
    Chesney and Carl return to the estate,hiding out with Joe,who dissuades Carl from shooting Jimmy. Eventually Shane,increasingly angry at how the cocky Jimmy and his gang see themselves as beyond the law whilst terrorising the Gallaghers,persuades his family to take them on and teach them a lesson. Maxine persuades Jimmy's sister to tell the police the truth and the fugitives are cleared though Maxine still aborts Carl's child. Shane also finds that he is infertile,leading to his family offering to be sperm donors though Kelly declines their offer as she and Shane continue to be surrogate parents to Liam.
  • 7.2
    60% de los votos

    Crime and Punishmemt

    episodio S11.E7 abril 2013
    Mary Mae and Chesney are mutually smitten but fear Patreesha's disapproval. After Avril starts work at the shop - and identifies some rather odd manufacturing by Remona - Letitia and Aidan read that an adrenalin rush will bring a man's passionate nature to the fore and stage a robbery whilst Mary Mae is in the shop. It works but for the wrong reasons when Mary Mae discovers that the thieves have genuinely spent the spoils and confesses everything to Chesney. Shane's music festival is all set to go until Lilian catches him having sex with WPC Randall and tells Mimi.Mimi is convinced her son is being used so the police can launch a drugs raid on the festival and orders him to end the affair. He refuses but the policewoman's love of kinky sex ends it anyway. Fearing antagonism from the family Shane considers calling off the event but Karen persuades him to go ahead with it and it is a success - as is his first attempt to have straightforward,non-kinky sex with his girl in blue.
  • 6.9
    57% de los votos

    Kidnap and Ransom

    episodio S8.E7 enero 2011
    Kelly and Shane start a business satisfying people's sexual fantasies. However,whilst helping MP's wife Sandra Brown enact her fantasy of being kidnapped they attract police attention and are soon besieged on the estate. Fortunately Shane has an elaborate plan which will return Sandra without any arrests and make him a pile of money. Sita discovers Chesney's Muslim driving school is a front for wild parties and teaches him a lesson by calling in the anti-terrorist squad,at the same time securing compensation for their ailing shop.
  • 7.3
    52% de los votos

    The Darkest Hour

    episodio S6.E9 marzo 2009
    Shane is left temporarily paralysed,causing Mimi and Kelly to fight over which one of them should care for him,which in turn leads to Kelly telling Mimi that Paddy is an addict. Mimi eventually agrees to stand by her husband. Ian and Danny move into Danny's grandfather's house and Norma decides to go back to lorry driving. Old flame Ruby suggests they start over but Norma sees that,with Monica gone,Liam and Stella need a mother and returns to the estate. Suspecting that Joe is overly controlling to Mandy Karen confronts him but ends up having sex with him.
  • 6.9
    35% de los votos

    Business As Usual

    episodio S10.E7 octubre 2012
    Jackson and Shane are flourishing as wheeler dealers with stolen solar panels and food past its sell-by date. However when Shane,to Jackson's annoyance,starts to give away some left-overs to the homeless he has a queue of unemployed in the yard seeking hand-outs and agrees to donate food to the local Catholic priest. But the priest goes behind his back to steal his business,leaving Shane to resort to blackmail to get his livelihood back. Patty organizes coffee mornings for other elderly folk but is exposed as having played on their absent-mindedness to win money and jewellery from them by gambling. Soon she is reviled all over the estate but Kelly detects that she is cranking up the abuse to gain sympathy and forces her into a deal. Meanwhile Billy is having problems in the bedroom department which Lilian,Dominic and a little plain talking soon cure.
  • 7
    32% de los votos

    Marry Me

    episodio S7.E8 marzo 2010
    As Libby and Patty move in Frank offers to paint Patty's room but,when he falls over absconding with the paint,he feigns injury to get out of the task before buying cheap road marker paint from the workmen. Karen improves but Kelly,ashamed of her session with Paddy,repeatedly turns down Shane's marriage proposals until Paddy tells his son the truth and the couple wed. Chesney and Carl go on the run after seeing the ultra-violent Jimmy beat to death a boy who has sex with his sister and threaten to claim that Chesney was the killer.
  • 7.9
    29% de los votos


    episodio S5.E15 abril 2008
    Mientras Carl sufre de disfunción eréctil, Ian se encuentra extrañamente atraído por Mandy y Norma se despierta después de una noche de borrachera preguntándose por qué lleva puestos los pantalones para correr de un desconocido, aunque la respuesta es decepcionante. Tom y Debbie encuentran a una joven que ha sido violada y dejada inconsciente y Tom es acusado. Debbie está ansiosa por revelar la verdad, pero Tom se lo prohíbe, ya que su secreto se revelaría. Sin embargo, Frank le confiesa a Debbie que ha sabido todo el tiempo y el verdadero violador es capturado. Paddy golpea violentamente a Shane en el Jockey por Kelly, antes de invitarla a cenar. Después de todo, ella es familia.
  • 6.9
    20% de los votos

    The Truth Will Out

    episodio S10.E5 octubre 2012
    Calling himself Danny McKenzie Shane continues to befriend Ruthie,agreeing to help her choose a headstone for her dead husband Eddie. However not only does he face opposition from Ruthie's teen-aged son Sean,who masturbates in public,but is haunted by Eddie's abusive ghost. Finally,rather than admit the truth to Ruthie,he takes Kelly's advice and roughly breaks things off with her. Kelly herself and Lilian face opposition when the super-efficient Louise opens a rival brothel at knock-down prices,stealing away some of Lilian's regulars,including Frank. When Louise offers Kelly a job she takes the opportunity to spy on her rival and,having obtained the details of all of Louise's clients,uses a little blackmail to see off the opposition.
  • 6.8
    19% de los votos

    Last Man Standing

    episodio S9.E6 febrero 2012
    Shane recruits Jackson to help him rob a cigarette delivery at a local supermarket though the plan goes wrong and they have to flee. They do however come up with a lucrative alternative,selling food discarded by the supermarket. Gloria's brother Dom,a priest suspended for his drinking and womanizing,arrives,pursued by two angry husbands whilst Carl leaves for his police training,after a less than cordial farewell with Frank,now the proud owner of Terry the terrapin. Chesney takes drastic measures to avoid being the live-in boyfriend of the buxom Lise,alias Toploader.
  • 6.6
    18% de los votos

    Secrets and Wives

    episodio S10.E6 octubre 2012
    After seeing a fatal road accident Marty decides that life is fleeting and eventually proposes to Kelly,who accepts. However when he receives a letter from his supposedly dead children in Spain,he is anxious to fly out to see what has happened. He does assure Kelly that he still wants to marry her so the engagement party goes ahead without him. Karen suspects Jamie of infidelity,initially with Ruby,but,convinced she is wrong,tries to set a honey trap with Gloria. Jamie tries to cover himself by claiming that Gloria came on to him but she sees it as prudent to end the affair. Lilian has a vision in which a talking dog warns her of imminent calamity on the estate. However the dog later returns to tell her that she was unable to prevent either of the lovers' tiffs.

Votos por episodio
