Mary Camden es un personaje de ficción interpretado por Jessica Biel en la serie de televisión Siete en el paraíso.
Cuando se emitio el primer episodio en el que aparece, titulado Anything You Want (temporada 1), tenia 14 años.
Aparece en 136 episodios de un total de 243 episodios emitidos y ha acumulado 3699 votos positivos.
El personaje de Mary Camden se relaciona mayormente con Matt Camden, Simon Camden y Annie Camden.

Mary Camden

por Jessica Biel


Episodios 136

  • 7.3

    Anything You Want

    episodio S1.E1 agosto 1996
    En el estreno de esta serie, se presenta a Eric Camden (Stephen Collins), quien es ministro y padre de cinco hijos y está felizmente casado y pronto será el dueño de un perro. Su esposa, Annie Camden (Catherine Hicks) es una madre que se queda en casa y está criando a sus hijos. Matt Camden (Barry Watson) es el niño mayor que ha adquirido el hábito de fumar y no poder mantener un trabajo. Mary Camden (Jessica Biel) es la hija mayor a la que le gusta mucho jugar al baloncesto y está ansiosa por querer besar a un niño. Lucy Camden (Beverley Mitchell) es la hija del medio y espera convertirse en mujer y tener su período muy pronto. Simon Camden (David Gallagher) es el hijo más joven y espera conseguir un perro muy pronto, a pesar de que sus padres ya le dijeron que es demasiado joven. Ruthie Camden (Mackenzie Rosman) es la niña más pequeña y es una niña feliz y adorable de 5 años. Además, Annie aprende algunas noticias devastadoras cuando sus padres vienen de visita porque su madre tiene leucemia.
  • 6.8

    Family Secrets

    episodio S1.E2 septiembre 1996
    Matt sorprende a su familia cuando revela su secreto: que es muy amigo de una adolescente embarazada, Renee. De inmediato, Matt les dice que él no es el padre de su bebé, sino que solo está tratando de ayudarla. Mientras tanto, Mary mantiene a su nuevo novio en secreto de Matt. Lucy se sorprende con su amor secreto por un compañero de clase, Jimmy Moon. Además, Eric se sorprende cuando descubre que sus zapatos siguen desapareciendo, mientras que la amiga de Matt, Renee, encuentra ayuda de un aliado inusual: Eric. Finalmente, Annie revela la sorprendente verdad a Matt acerca de que su abuela tiene leucemia.
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    In the Blink of an Eye

    episodio S1.E3 septiembre 1996
    Annie sigue sufriendo por el reciente diagnóstico de leucemia de su madre. Annie luego decide ir a Arizona para visitarlos y ver qué les sucede. Mientras tanto, Eric se ofrece como voluntario para un trabajo de caridad, pero no puede hacerlo en el último minuto. Luego, Matt se ofrece como voluntario para hacerlo, pero sus hábitos de noviazgo lo meten en problemas con la organización para la que hace caridad. Además, Mary decide dejar de lado a Jeff mientras que Lucy tiene su primera cita real con su compañero de clase Jimmy Moon. Finalmente, cuando Annie regresa a casa con sus padres, deciden quedarse con ella y el resto de la familia para poder pasar más tiempo con ellos, lo que desafortunadamente será la última para la madre de Annie, Jenny.
  • 6.7

    No Funerals and a Wedding

    episodio S1.E4 octubre 1996
    Tras el funeral de su madre, la actitud soleada de Annie se convierte en tristeza, especialmente después de que su padre se va repentinamente para regresar a su hogar en Arizona. Eric intenta aconsejar a una pareja joven cuyos problemas conyugales se intensifican durante la recepción posterior al funeral en la casa de Camden. Matt ayuda con la entrega del bebé de Renee y, después de que Mary rompe con Jeff, descubre que estaba mejor con Jeff.
  • 6.7

    The Color of God

    episodio S1.E5 octubre 1996
    Cuando la familia Camden se entera de que su amigo, la iglesia del Reverendo Morgan Hamilton fue incendiado por un grupo racista, invitan a los Hamilton a quedarse en su casa. Mientras tanto, Simon tiene sus propios problemas cuando defiende a su amigo Nigel luego de que se le hace un comentario racista en el patio de recreo. Además, Matt, Mary y Lucy tienen dificultades para desarrollar una buena relación con los niños mayores de Hamilton, Keesha y John. Por último, Eric y Annie hacen todo lo posible para ayudar a Morgan y su esposa Patricia a superar sus problemas matrimoniales, mientras que Ruthie y Lynn se divierten como niños de 5 años.
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    episodio S1.E6 octubre 1996
    Con Halloween a la vuelta de la esquina, Lucy intenta aprender la verdad sobre "The Mutant" Mike, un recluso misterioso que ha sido acusado de asesinato. Mientras tanto, Simon se prepara para el 'Concurso Anual de Talla de Calabazas' en la iglesia y tiene muchas ganas de estar en primer lugar. Además, Mary planea tener la casa para ella sola cuando engaña a todos sus amigos y familiares en el lugar donde va a estar. Mientras la familia se prepara para el Carnaval Anual de Halloween de la iglesia, presidido por Annie, Eric tiene una mala actitud hacia toda la festividad y descubre la verdadera razón detrás de su odio de Halloween cuando recuerda una experiencia dramática que tuvo cuando era un niño de 11 años.
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    episodio S1.E7 noviembre 1996
    Después de que Mary inesperadamente anula a su familia para que la vea jugar baloncesto en un importante juego de baloncesto, los Camden comienzan a hacer otros planes para ellos mismos. Lucy está enojada con Mary porque invitó a su juego a Ashley, una chica popular en la escuela de Lucy. Mientras tanto, Simon, Ruthie y Happy se pierden en la ciudad cuando pretenden ser espías y siguen a su cartero por toda la ciudad. Se suponía que Lucy los cuidaría, pero en lugar de eso, se entretenía a ella y a Ashley hablando por teléfono con su novio Jimmy Moon. Además, Eric se enfrenta a asesorar a un niño que una vez más está tomando un hábito de drogas que afecta a su familia.
  • 7.6

    What Will People Say?

    episodio S1.E8 noviembre 1996
    La posibilidad de que Eric tenga un romance extramarital es lo que los niños de Camden asumen cuando descubren que Eric escolta a una mujer a un hotel solo. Sin embargo, Annie se esfuerza por darle el beneficio de la duda sobre su negocio confidencial de la iglesia. Toda la comunidad de Glen Oak vibra con este chisme. Mientras tanto, Simon soporta la ira de sus compañeros cuando se descubre su enamoramiento secreto. Trata de evitar salir de la escuela, pero su familia se entera de que la vergüenza se alejará de él y lo enviará a alguien más pronto. Además, Matt intenta mantener las cosas en movimiento lento entre Mary y su nuevo novio.
  • 7.1

    See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil

    episodio S1.E9 noviembre 1996
    Después de que Annie y Matt son secuestrados, Matt teme irse de la casa, mientras que Annie parece inusualmente normal después de ser secuestrada. Eventualmente, golpea a Annie, especialmente después de perder su anillo de bodas y que su hijo podría haber sido asesinado instantáneamente. Mientras tanto, Lucy teme que su relación con Jimmy Moon se vea afectada cuando ambas decidan postularse para la presidencia de la clase. Además, para que Mary pueda encajar con sus amigos del equipo de baloncesto, Mary piensa en hacerse un tatuaje ya que el resto del equipo lo está haciendo.
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    Last Call for Aunt Julie

    episodio S1.E10 noviembre 1996
    Matt, Mary y Lucy hacen planes para alejarse de la familia para el Día de Acción de Gracias, pero cuando la hermana de Eric, Julie, viene a pasar las vacaciones con ellos, los planes cambian. Después de que la familia descubra el peligroso secreto de Julie: su problema con la bebida, todos deciden que sería mejor quedarse en casa. Eric decide ayudar a su hermanita a superar su problema en casa en lugar de buscar ayuda profesional, ya sea que lo quiera o no. Aunque, Annie no se siente cómoda con la situación y solo le preocupa que los niños estén a salvo después de un desafortunado altercado entre Julie y Simon antes.
  • 7.3

    Now You See Me

    episodio S1.E11 diciembre 1996
    Los Camden empiezan a sospechar cuando la nueva novia de Matt, Tia, quiere pasar más tiempo con la familia que estar sola con Matt. Mientras tanto, Lucy recurre a la ayuda de Matt para superar su torpeza con el fin de probar para el equipo Cheerleading. Además, Annie anhela más romance en su matrimonio con Eric, ya que se ha aburrido de las rutinas diarias. Por último, Simon intenta hacerse invisible y trata de convencer a toda la familia de que puede ser invisible.
  • 7.2

    With a Little Help from My Friends

    episodio S1.E12 enero 1997
    Para ayudar a preservar el orgullo de una mujer, Matt le miente a su familia y ayuda en secreto a una vieja Sra. Bink (la estrella invitada Eileen Brennan) en su casa. Eric se preocupa mucho cuando Matt comienza a faltar a la iglesia y se va de la escuela con Mary para ayudar a la Sra. Bink cuando no les cuenta a Eric y Annie su secreto. Aunque, Annie está tranquila sobre todo y sabe que no está sucediendo nada malo y que hay una buena razón detrás de todo esto. Mientras tanto, Eric intenta ayudar a una familia sin hogar rompiendo cosas en su iglesia para que puedan trabajar para ganar dinero y mantenerlos fuera de las calles. Además, Lucy está un poco deprimida por la falta de entusiasmo por su cumpleaños número 13 y por que su padre no la deja tener una fiesta de niños y niñas. Aunque, Lucy obtiene su deseo al final, y una pequeña sorpresa cuando descubre que a la amiga de su novio le gusta. Por último, Happy finalmente entrega a sus cachorros cuando los Camdens comienzan a venderlos.
  • 7.5

    America's Most Wanted

    episodio S1.E13 enero 1997
    Mary intenta impresionar a su equipo de baloncesto robando una copa del lugar de reunión de su adolescente "The Varsity", que es un ritual escolar. Eric molesto encuentra el vaso y hace que Matt se lo devuelva, pero lo arrestan cuando el gerente de la tienda no acepta sus disculpas por robarlo, lo que hace que Mary se sienta culpable. Mientras tanto, Lucy tiene que entregar un papel y no lo ha empezado, así que toma uno de los papeles viejos de Mary y le pone su nombre. Eventualmente, ella comienza a sentirse culpable y admite haber hecho trampa. Por último, Simon y Ruthie escuchan a su padre hablar de lo que le molesta cuando la gente en Estados Unidos no conoce el Himno Nacional. Ruhtie tiene miedo porque ella no lo sabe y le pide ayuda a Simon.
  • 7.1

    Seven Is Enough

    episodio S1.E14 febrero 1997
    Las tres generaciones de Camden temen la visita anual de los padres de Eric, "El Coronel" (John Camden) y la abuela Ruth Camden. La tensión entre padre e hijo aumenta cuando tanto Eric como "El Coronel" quieren adoptar a un niño de 10 años sin hogar y huérfano, George. George se había escapado del orfanato donde se alojaba y estaba escondido dentro de la iglesia de Eric. Eric expresa abiertamente su desdén por las habilidades de crianza de sus padres. Mientras tanto, Annie descubre el destino de sus anillos de boda perdidos cuando los ve con una mujer en la tienda.
  • 7.4

    Happy's Valentine

    episodio S1.E15 febrero 1997
    Mientras que ambas parejas, Annie y Eric, Patricia y Morgan Hamilton pasan un romántico día de San Valentín, Matt se queda a cargo del resto de la familia y permite que el caos reine en la casa de Camden. Su preocupación por su cita y la fiesta de Mary permiten que el perro Happy salga de la casa en busca de sus cachorros. Cuando un automóvil choca con Happy, la familia celebra una vigilia, asistida por un veterinario que se preocupa por los demás. Simon culpa a Matt por todo el accidente. Mientras tanto, Lucy está disfrutando de su primer día de San Valentín con su novio Jimmy Moon.
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    Brave New World

    episodio S1.E16 febrero 1997
    Lucy le pide a Eric que investigue las mentiras blancas de su nuevo mejor amigo sobre dónde viven ella y su familia y su situación financiera. Mientras tanto, Matt interviene cuando un matón acosa a Mary en la escuela. Además, Simon está celoso del nuevo amigo de Ruthie de su clase de pre-jardín de infantes, ya que ahora está más fascinada con él que Simon. Por último, el primer día de Ruthie en la escuela trae sentimientos melancólicos para Annie.
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    episodio S1.E17 abril 1997
    Mary se encuentra con una chica salvaje, Camille (estrella invitada Keri Russell, "Felicity") en detención que la convence de que se escabulle de su casa para asistir a una fiesta de fraternidad con ella. Aunque, la fiesta resulta ser una cita doble íntima con un conductor que ha estado bebiendo toda la noche. Lucy, ahora a los trece años, debe elegir oficialmente su religión y su fe, a la presión de Eric sobre su espalda. Mientras tanto, Eric y Annie aconsejan a un ex pastor asociado de Eric que está cargado con un secreto propio. Además, Simon y Ruthie compran en secreto los hurones y los meten en la casa.
  • 7.3

    Faith, Hope and the Bottom Line

    episodio S1.E18 abril 1997
    Eric quiere contratar a un ex convicto para que sea el nuevo organista y la junta parroquial de la iglesia es la oposición. La tesorera interina de la iglesia, Annie debe determinar si hay suficiente dinero en el presupuesto de la iglesia para contratar a un nuevo organista. Mientras tanto, Lucy se pone celosa después de que ella hace de Mary tutora de su novio Jimmy Moon. Simon hace todo lo posible para que Matt lo deje recibir una vacuna contra el tétano en el consultorio del médico. Por último, Ruthie se siente habilitada por su nueva lista de teléfonos de clase y decide probar los números de teléfono de emergencia.
  • 7.4

    It's About George...

    episodio S1.E19 abril 1997
    Cuando los padres de Eric regresan para visitar a su hijo recién adoptado George, de diez años de edad, se sorprenden al conocer al verdadero padre del niño, quien desea desesperadamente ser parte de su vida nuevamente. Annie intenta entusiasmar a la familia mientras está construyendo un bote de remos en el patio trasero. Mientras tanto, la hermana de Eric, Julie, sale de rehabilitación y tiene dificultades para reconectarse con sus padres y su familia en la casa de Camden. Además, con un poco de ayuda de Matt y Mary, Lucy intenta preparar a su novio Jimmy para encontrarse con sus abuelos formidables, "El Coronel" y la abuela Ruth.
  • 7.2

    Say Good-Bye

    episodio S1.E20 mayo 1997
    Matt se siente incómodo cuando Rachel, la amiga más vieja de Annie, una divorciada loca por los niños, le hace un pase durante una noche con Mary. Mientras tanto, Mary hace su debut en un canto público en una cafetería. Además, Ruthie decide despedirse de su amigo imaginario Hoowie. Por último, Lucy es inconsolable cuando su mejor amiga, Suzanne se aleja de ella.
  • 7.7

    Dangerous Liaisons: Part 1

    episodio S1.E21 mayo 1997
    El padre de Annie, Charles, está visitando a la familia Camden, pero tiene una nueva novia, Ginger. Annie está realmente molesta porque su padre ya está viendo a alguien desde que su madre murió hace solo unos meses. Matt conoce a una chica en el aeropuerto, Heather. Más tarde, le pregunta una cita y se entera de que es sorda. Lucy sigue el consejo de Simon y se tiñe el pelo rubio. Mientras que en el parque, Mary se encuentra con un chico, Wilson y su hermano pequeño SUPERADO, Billy. Van a una cita más tarde esa noche. Al día siguiente en la iglesia, Annie sale corriendo. Mary decide seguir a su madre, pero es atropellada por un auto que corre a toda velocidad cuando la persigue al cruzar la calle.
  • 7.6

    Dangerous Liaisons: Part 2

    episodio S1.E22 mayo 1997
    En el final de la primera temporada, Eric y Annie esperan que Mary salga de la cirugía después de su accidente automovilístico. El culpable que llevó a Mary fue porque Michael Towner se enfurece y se pelea con él. Matt también intenta reparar su relación con Heather. Wilson pronto confiesa a Eric y Annie sobre su condición de padre adolescente de Billy y se sorprenden. Lucy y Jimmy se separan después de que Jimmy se da cuenta de que Lucy se ha teñido el pelo de rubio y se ha apagado. Mientras tanto, Annie arregla su relación con su padre y su nueva novia Ginger con consejos útiles de la Sra. Bink (estrella invitada Eileen Brennan). Por último, Eric y Annie reciben la noticia del cirujano de Mary de que podría ser una larga recuperación para ella, especialmente al jugar al básquetbol nuevamente.
  • 7.4

    Don't Take My Love Away

    episodio S2.E1 septiembre 1997
    En la apertura de la segunda temporada, Eric y Annie renuevan sus votos, se van a casar nuevamente. Los niños no están realmente entusiasmados con la boda, pero Ruthie quiere usar un esmoquin. Mary está cansada de caminar con muletas, pero teme que pueda caerse si no las usa. Lucy todavía está enojada porque Jimmy Moon está saliendo con Ashley ahora, pero los invita a la boda; más tarde, la ONU los invita. Matt y Heather pasan tiempo juntos antes de que ella se vaya a la escuela. Simon decide esperar antes de mudarse a su nueva habitación en el ático. Eric ayuda a una mujer, Nora, a hablar con el tipo que mató a su esposo hace unos años.
  • 6.8

    See You in September

    episodio S2.E2 septiembre 1997
    Eric y Annie se toman el día libre para pasar tiempo juntos ya que es el primer día de clases para los 5 niños de Camden. Aunque, las cosas van a su primer día de regreso a la escuela. Ruthie es sorprendida usando un sombrero al revés que viola la política de la escuela. Ruthie insiste en usar su gorra al revés y termina recibiendo un 'tiempo fuera' por parte de su maestra. Durante el primer día de Simon en la escuela secundaria, lo atraparon con un cuchillo que su madre le había dado para cortar su pollo. Simon está suspendido por un día. Mary se ofrece a ayudar a Lucy con su casillero que no se abre debido a la vieja cerradura que Eric le había dado. Mientras tanto, cuando Lucy toma una aspirina que Mary le había dado, la directora los nota con el medicamento y los lleva a la oficina. Más tarde, Matt se une a sus hermanas después de que el señor Koper lo atrape con un beeper, el que Eric dejó en la chaqueta de Matt después de tomarlo prestado. Los tres están suspendidos por un día.
  • 7.4

    I Love You

    episodio S2.E3 septiembre 1997
    Mary intenta hacer que Wilson diga que él la "ama", pero Wilson cree que es un gran compromiso y que no se conocen desde hace mucho tiempo para decirse esas palabras. Mientras tanto, Simon y Ruthie leen las cartas de amor de Matt a Heather y las atrapan. Matt los engaña dirigiendo una de las cartas a la "Sra. Matt Camden". Por esto, Eric encuentra accidentalmente la carta que lleva a pensar que Matt y Heather se casaron durante el verano, lo que le preocupa a él, a la madre de Annie y Heather, la Sra. Cain. Por último, Eric ayuda a la amiga de Lucy, Laurie a acercarse más a su madre.
  • 6.8

    Who Knew?

    episodio S2.E4 octubre 1997
    Eric acusa a Matt de consumir drogas después de encontrar marihuana en la casa y luego de que el amigo de Matt, Mitch, le pide que sostenga su marihuana. Mientras tanto, al mismo tiempo que Eric encuentra la marihuana en la casa, Annie lleva a una confesión sobre su experimentación. Además, Simon le enseña a Ruthie sobre el arte de lavar la ropa, aunque Ruthie es demasiado joven. Por último, Lucy presenta a su familia su nueva ropa de negro y su nuevo novio Rod.
  • 7.2

    Says Who?

    episodio S2.E5 octubre 1997
    Una de los miembros de la congregación de Eric, la Sra. Bink lo convence para que investigue la verdadera razón por la cual su mejor amiga, la Sra. Hinkle, se muda a una casa de retiro. Mientras tanto, Simon y Ruthie están realizando un experimento y están tratando de convencer a Matt de que Simon se está reduciendo, pero las mesas de repente se vuelven hacia Simon. Además, Lucy trata de llegar al fondo de uno de sus compañeros de clase, Shelby, ya que se rumorea que en toda la escuela es bulímica.
  • 6.8

    Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

    episodio S2.E6 octubre 1997
    Los niños de Camden aprenden una lección de amor cuando Mary decide renunciar a Wilson. Simon está obsesionado con tener a su primera novia, mientras que Ruthie aprende lo que hay que hacer y lo que no se puede hacer de besar en el patio de la escuela. Matt recibe noticias devastadoras de su novia Heather, que lo lleva en un largo viaje a Filadelfia. Mientras tanto, Lucy se lamenta de estar soltera hasta que accidentalmente se acerca al problema de la escuela.
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    Girls Just Want to Have Fun

    episodio S2.E7 noviembre 1997
    Simon se involucra emocionalmente con la hermana de su mejor amiga, Karen, que es miembro de una pandilla. Mientras tanto, en un show de independencia, Lucy se pone maquillaje y un vestuario revelador con su amiga para encontrarse con los chicos en el centro comercial y es atrapada por Annie y Ruthie. Además, Ruthie cuestiona la velocidad de la luz para todos en la familia.
  • 6.7

    Do Something

    episodio S2.E8 noviembre 1997
    Contra el consejo de Eric, Matt toma un trabajo cuidando a un niño moribundo llamado Steve. Annie se dedica al negocio de hacer panecillos después de haber sido convencida por sus hijas Mary y Lucy. Annie entra en el negocio con el propietario de una tienda de galletas, David Friel, que está buscando expandir sus ganancias, aunque es un trabajo mucho más difícil para Annie de lo que originalmente había previsto. Además, Ruthie le enseña a Simon una dura lección sobre el arte de ser un vendedor al competir en la venta de tarjetas de felicitación.
  • 7.5

    I Hate You

    episodio S2.E9 noviembre 1997
    Contra los deseos de Eric, Simon le pide a la Sra. Kerjesz (la sobreviviente invitada de la vida real, Rita Zoharm) que cuente su historia sobre el Holocausto en su presentación en la clase. Para formar un fuerte vínculo fraternal, Mary y Lucy deciden odiar a la nueva novia de Matt sin una buena razón y terminan lastimando sus sentimientos y rompiendo con Matt. Además, Annie sufre la angustia cuando Ruthie le dice que la "odia" por hacerla limpiar las paredes de su habitación después de garabatear crayones en ellas.
  • 6.6

    Truth or Dare

    episodio S2.E10 noviembre 1997
    Mary obliga a Matt a pedirle a su amigo Brian (estrella invitada Jason Behr) que la lleve a una cita a pesar de su falta de interés en ella. Aunque, las cosas comienzan a calentarse entre los dos niños mientras están en la cita, pero finalmente termina en un desastre después de que Mary descubre la verdad. Mientras tanto, Lucy está invitada a una fiesta de pijamas de chicas populares, pero Lucy desconoce las verdaderas intenciones del grupo de invitarla. Además, Simon comienza a enseñarle a Ruthie a nadar sin tomar clases. Por último, Eric se convence de que está gordo y piensa que está haciendo trampa con su dieta.
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    Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way

    episodio S2.E11 enero 1998
    El padre sensato de Eric, John "The Colonel" (estrella invitada Peter Graves) regresa cuando se entera de una serie de problemas en la casa de Camden. Mary está celosa de un nuevo miembro del equipo de baloncesto que está recibiendo mucha atención. Las calificaciones en declive de Lucy se deben a que ella anda con una mala multitud, mientras que Ruthie necesita copiar a Simon en su búsqueda para ser un mago. Mientras tanto, Eric no tiene en cuenta todos los problemas familiares que lo rodean, ya que está preocupado por escribir un sermón que debe ser cubierto por un equipo de cámara. Mientras tanto, Annie está haciendo todas las tareas domésticas y solo en la iglesia, mientras que todos los demás están haciendo lo suyo.
  • 7.3

    Rush to Judgment

    episodio S2.E12 enero 1998
    Eric y Annie intentan no sospechar lo peor cuando descubren que falta dinero en la tesorería de la iglesia y todas las pruebas apuntan a Lou, el tesorero de la iglesia. Más tarde, todos descubren que es para su hijo discapacitado que fue expulsado de su casa y necesita encontrar uno nuevo. Creyendo que el entrenador Koper tiene más que el baloncesto en su mente en lo que concierne a Mary, Matt y Lucy se arriesgan a alienar a su hermana para descubrir la verdad. Además, Simon deja que el juego de golf agobie su vida y termine rompiendo muchas cosas.
  • 6.5

    Stuck in the Middle with You

    episodio S2.E13 enero 1998
    Lucy debe elegir entre su nuevo novio Rod y su ex novio Jimmy Moon después de que su antigua novia Ashley lo abandone y quiere que Lucy regrese. Mientras Lucy toma su decisión, el resto de los niños de Camden están apostando a qué chico elegirá Lucy. Eric y Annie están en desacuerdo cuando ayudan a las parejas de recién casados a comunicarse entre sí, pero terminan teniendo una gran pelea cuando discuten los arreglos de su entierro dentro de sus propias familias. Además, una visita del padre de Annie suscita más problemas en la casa de Camden cuando llega sin Ginger después de haberse roto recientemente debido a su pieza de cabello (toupee).
  • 6.2

    Red Tape

    episodio S2.E14 febrero 1998
    Eric ayuda a una madre soltera llamada Harriet y su hijo Clarence a tratar de convencer al IRS de que no debería ser responsable de las enormes deudas de su ex novio. Annie confronta a los niños acerca de su falta de buenos modales después de un incidente en un "Almuerzo especial de cuello azul gratis los domingos" en un restaurante. Los niños no toman a Annie en serio y no juegan. Mientras tanto, Matt acusa a Mary y Lucy de colocar un anuncio personal en su nombre en el periódico de la escuela para una cita. Además, Simon y Ruthie intentan averiguar cómo pagar con la tarjeta de crédito accidental y la compra de Happy.
  • 6.6


    episodio S2.E15 febrero 1998
    Convencida de que fracasará en su regreso al básquetbol, Mary desarrolla una actitud horrible que la hace bastante desagradable. Eric se lamenta de que Mary nunca más le habla. Lucy está emocionada ante la perspectiva de que su mejor amiga Suzanne venga a visitarla, hasta que se entera de que la chica se escapó de casa. Temiendo a su maestra de ciencias, la Sra. Hunter, Simon pierde su confianza en su capacidad para completar un proyecto de clase y finge una enfermedad para evitarlo. Además, Ruthie teme que su primer viaje de campo piense que se perderá del grupo.
  • 6.5

    It Takes a Village

    episodio S2.E16 febrero 1998
    Cuando Eric ayuda a su amigo el Reverendo Morgan Hamilton a encontrarse en secreto con el ex marido de su esposa Kevin, se sorprenden por el resultado de que está paralizado de cintura para abajo. Mientras cubría a la hija de Hamilton, Keesha, Lucy inesperadamente tiene una cita doble con ellos. Pronto, Annie y la Sra. Hamilton detienen a las chicas cuando llevan a Ruthie y Lynn al cine. De vuelta en la escuela, Mary sale clandestinamente con uno de los compañeros de clase de Lucy.
  • 7.2

    Nothing Endures But Change

    episodio S2.E17 marzo 1998
    Lucy recibe una invitación para comer pizza con dos amigos rebeldes, y luego se culpa por el trágico accidente automovilístico que reclama la vida de su amiga y su hermana en el hospital. Después de que matan a la amiga de Lucy, la familia se reúne a su alrededor, notando su comportamiento inusualmente distante. Además, Mary le hace un favor a su ex novio Wilson y cuida a su hijo Billy para que pueda ir a su baile de graduación. Además, Simon consigue su propia habitación mientras Matt se muda al ático.
  • 5.8

    My Kinda Guy

    episodio S2.E18 abril 1998
    Después de que Eric acepta incluir a un estudiante de intercambio francés (Guy) como frontera temporal, nadie excepto Ruthie sospecha que el joven es en realidad un estafador. Suave y romántica, la frontera atrae a Mary y Lucy después de que coquetea con ellas. Simon y Ruthie se enferman cuando intentan fumar los cigarrillos de Guy. Además, Guy le roba la fecha a Matt. Por último, Eric y Annie descubren el correo electrónico y las salas de chat en la computadora portátil de Guy y comienzan un romance entre ellos a través de Internet.
  • 6.5

    Time to Leave the Nest

    episodio S2.E19 abril 1998
    Eric trata de desentrañar el misterio que rodea a una joven sin hogar, Sarah James, que Simon lleva a casa a quien perdió. Eric intenta ayudarla a ella y a su padre alcohólico, Joe James. Matt deleita la perspectiva de irse a la universidad. Matt dice que necesita espacio personal cuando una mujer mayor duerme. Además, compartir una habitación comienza a alimentar las diferencias entre Mary y Lucy.
  • 6.8

    Like a Harlot

    episodio S2.E20 abril 1998
    Eric le pide a Matt que lleve a la hija de su amigo a la fiesta de graduación, pero él no es consciente de su estilo manchado y de que es una ramera. Eric recibe entradas de "Snappy the Stegosaurus" de su ex novia para Ruthie. Mientras tanto, Simon se siente incómodo después de ver una película de la escuela sobre los "hechos de la vida", mientras que Ruthie aprende la verdad sobre su personaje de héroe. Además, Mary y Lucy se engañan para tener una cita con chicos que no conocen, pero la broma está sobre ellos.
  • 6.6


    episodio S2.E21 mayo 1998
    Cuando Mary y Wilson deciden volver a estar juntos, comienza a hacer que Annie se preocupe por su unión, ya que Wilson y su hijo Billy andan mucho más por la casa de Camden. Más tarde, Matt atrapa a Wilson y a Mary durmiendo juntos en su cama y les lanza un ataque. Mientras tanto, Lucy también está preocupada cuando sus ex novios, Jimmy Moon y Rod se unen para seguir a Eric por un proyecto de clase. Los dos muchachos incluso comienzan a llamarse a sí mismos "MIT's: Minister's In Training" de Eric. Además, Simon comienza a entrenar a Happy para un papel en un comercial de perros, mientras que Matt está buscando el momento adecuado para decirle a su familia que consiguió un trabajo en Washington DC durante el verano. Finalmente, después de que Happy gane el concierto comercial y se emita en la televisión, el propietario original de Happy y su hija ven a Happy en la televisión y la quieren de vuelta
  • 6.8

    ...And Girlfriends

    episodio S2.E22 mayo 1998
    En el final de la segunda temporada, Eric y Annie se sorprenden y entristecen de que Mary pueda estar embarazada después de hablar con su médico por teléfono. Mientras tanto, Matt hace un anuncio de que se va a casa antes de lo esperado para que pueda comenzar un programa de entrenamiento de verano en Washington DC. Sin embargo, Matt pronto se da cuenta de que "El Coronel" fue la verdadera razón de cómo ingresó al programa y debe decidir si Él debería tomarlo o no. Además, Simon y Ruthie están abatidos cuando el dueño original de Happy viene a reclamarla. Luego, la familia hace todo lo posible por recuperarla. Además, el padre de Annie, Charles y Ginger crean un compromiso falso para desalentar a Eric y Annie cuando intentan rescatar a Happy con el resto de la familia, pero más tarde hacen que el compromiso sea real. Por último, una gran sorpresa espera a Eric y Annie mientras descubren algo maravilloso.
  • 7.2

    It Takes Two, Baby

    episodio S3.E1 septiembre 1998
    Three months later, Annie is visibly pregnant and shamelessly complains, and acts as a tyrant to everyone, especially Eric, except for Ruthie who sympathizes with her pregnancy. Matt has given up on going to an out of state college, but not on moving out, so he accepts an invitation to become three girls' roommate, only to be blamed and expelled for their inability to resist his passive male charms. Lucy wins Mary's dare by snapping up an amazingly mature-built 17 year-old named Jordan. Eric's endless misery trying to follow Annie's inconsistent whims and finding an appropriate wedding anniversary gift seems endless, until the gynecological examination yields news that staggers everyone.
  • 6.7

    Drunk Like Me

    episodio S3.E2 septiembre 1998
    Matt has second thoughts about joining a fraternity; Annie buys an old Camaro for Matt and tries to get the family involved in fixing it up.
  • 6.8


    episodio S3.E3 octubre 1998
    Matt enters a confidence crisis when a girl on campus turns him down for a date, so he asks for 'constructive criticism' at home. Simon feels guilty when Ruthie reacts to his warning that the twin babies will make parental attention scarce. So, she deliberately fails a test to make Annie study with her. Lucy's biology grades are disastrous and according to Mary the bad grades are due to Lucy's new 'best friend' Nicole Jacob. Mary also catches Nicole cutting herself.
  • 6.4

    The Legacy

    episodio S3.E4 octubre 1998
    Simon's classmate Mark Huff's father Carl is stopped by a light push from caring biology teacher Lane to storm at his boy. When Carl complains to the principal, Simon dares only say he didn't get a clear view, then feels morally guilty for not having prevented a fine teacher being suspended, later even dismissed. Eric finds out Carl is a domestic bully and gets Lane reinstated. Matt and his friend Scott misread apparently sexual signals from a teaching assistant, which causes repeated havoc for Matt. Rather then let Annie chose a disastrous 'pregnancy project', Eric arranges a handsome piano teacher, Josh, who flirtatiously restores her self-esteem.
  • 6.5

    ...And a Nice Chianti

    episodio S3.E5 octubre 1998
    When Mary triumphantly announces that she's earned her driving permit, Simon and Lucy announce that they're going to ride the school bus. The cool kids at the back of the bus ostracize Simon and Lucy doesn't fare any better when a presumptuous freshman puts the moves on her. Matt is on his way to school when he spots a pregnant girl stranded on the side of the road. When he takes a look under the hood of her broken down car, the girl takes off in his car. As the children pile off Simon's bus, a tough kid, Nick, starts to bully nerdy Marvin for a copy of his essay. Simon intervenes and suggests that Marvin help Nick write his own assignment and Nick gives Simon's plan a thumbs- up. Eric pays a call on Elizabeth Brown, a parishioner who lost her son three years ago. She tearfully confides that she just can't seem to get past her grief. Eric suggests that she spend a little time each day doing something for herself. Later at the beauty salon, Elizabeth overhears a woman joyfully exclaim how happy she is just to be alive. Elizabeth finds out that the woman had undergone a heart transplant. Matt is relieved when the police arrive on the scene of the car jacking, until they arrest him for suspicion of grand theft auto! Later, Elizabeth asks Eric if he would find out if the woman from the salon was the recipient of her son's heart. The next day, Eric meets Carolyn, who is upbeat and delightful, but not the recipient of Elizabeth's son's heart. Later, Eric and Sgt. Michaels track down Theresa, the pregnant teen who stole Matt's car, and set up a meeting with her parents. At school, the girlfriend of Lucy's freshman admirer warns her to quit riding the bus. Mary refuses to help Lucy because she's hurt that Lucy won't ride in the car with her. That evening, Theresa's parents arrive at the Camden's and remain cold and unrelenting. Two weeks later, Elizabeth, Carolyn and Theresa happily join Eric in his church office. Eric had suggested that Theresa move in with Elizabeth, and .. _
  • 6.6

    And the Home of the Brave

    episodio S3.E6 noviembre 1998
    Preparations for grandpa Charles Jackson's wedding, to be celebrated by Eric on Veterans Day, go as bad as Annie predicted and hoped, albeit for different reasons and everyone ends up reconciled with it and each-other. Matt grudgingly takes flippant Mary on a road-trip, only to find her ignorance as bothersome as a flat. Simon deals with Howie's resurgence. Meanwhile World war II veteran sergeant Millard proves less willing to accept help he qualifies for the extending some to the wedding reception. Lucy is mortally embarrassed when Jordan corrects being presented as her boyfriend, but he only wants to clear the air concerning their past-only with Jimmy Moon first.
  • 6.4

    Johnny Get Your Gun

    episodio S3.E7 noviembre 1998
    Simon is verbally threatened with gun-violence by Deena's ex-boyfriend, Johnny Morton. School regulations don't allow precipitous action, but Eric's police friend tells him Johnny has a record and his family owns a registered gun. Meanwhile, Jordan is patient with Lucy's weird idea about 'romantic' slapping; Mary's careless basketball blackens Matt's eye, but he thinks Mary might be in real danger if she dates Shana's suave but violent brother George.
  • 6.7

    No Sex, Some Drugs and a Little Rock 'n' Roll

    episodio S3.E8 noviembre 1998
    After drinking Matt's coffee once, Simon fears to be addicted and acts accordingly. A natural, legal 'supplement' is offered to study-exhausted Matt by buddy Scott, whose father got it in a health store, and to Mary by over-competitive teammate Diane Butler, whose father uses it himself. Eric realizes it contains dangerous ephedrine. Eric's former rock band mates visit GlenOak. Matt sets something right. The Butlers are in for a shock as Diane suffers a fatal heart attack from the ephedrine.
  • 6.3

    Let's Talk About Sex

    episodio S3.E9 noviembre 1998
    Simon invests in a babysitting course, but pays dearly when he lets Annie talk him into trying out on Ruthie, who already abused every older sibling even when much younger. Matt desperately seeks inspiration for a college project on sexuality. Jordan patiently handles Lucy's insanely jealous and insecure worries after a -for him, unlike Mary, canceled- senior jocks sleepover until Matt comes to her 'rescue', then spontaneously braves Eric. Annie befriends pregnant teenagers in her infant care class.
  • 6.8

    Here Comes Santa Claus

    episodio S3.E10 diciembre 1998
    Like every Christmas, Eric compromises the kids' fun by imposing 'voluntary good deeds' and cheating the draw of the family presents distribution. Matt is even pressed into a mall Santa job, with a jealously rebellious dwarf-size elf. Jordan can't avoid a family event and his gift for Lucy stirs more absurd speculations. Mary felt lucky the soup-kitchen she's pressed into happens to recruit hunky Carlos, a homeless Puerto Rican New Yorker who travels since his home break-up two years ago, but Eric arranges a speedy reconciliation. Simon takes it on himself to save Ruthie from losing faith in Santa. Eric and Annie's second-hand or home-made gifts rule bites them in the asses, yet 'Santa' rescues them.
  • 6.7

    Nobody Knows...

    episodio S3.E11 enero 1999
    Simon is deeply hurt because pa didn't tell him his girlfriend Deena behaves so moodily because of her annual leukemia check-up, yet handles her admirably. Matt discovers aunt Julie has moved in town and taken a teaching job. She rudely keeps him and later brother Eric at arms-length, resenting obvious concerns for her alcoholism problem. Fake tears' success on the DMV examiner success inspires Mary to abuse crying regularly, to nobody's ultimate profit.
  • 6.2

    All That Jazz

    episodio S3.E12 enero 1999
    Simon wants to buy the perfect gift for Deena; Lucy's ex-boyfriend is spending time at the Camden's home; Heather is engaged.
  • 6.5

    The Tribes That Bind

    episodio S3.E13 enero 1999
    With the twins birth impending, Eric makes the kids' life miserable by fussing and over-planning, yet blames Matt for preparing the youngsters for what's ahead. Annie adds to the mess by inviting over the Hamiltons, just so Patricia can help her ward off the parish busybodies, who forced a baby-shower on her so they can snoop around the church-owned home. Ruthie acts as if a victim when classmate Bobby points out her underwear visible by failing to wear school-regulation shorts. Her elder siblings are pushed to confront Boby's family, but his brothers aren't only taller, like their dog, they also bond with Matt and Mary and end up turning on the brats together.
  • 6.4

    In Praise of Women

    episodio S3.E14 febrero 1999
    All Eric's planning and fussing proves pretty pointless, with the whole family pacing and worrying in hospital, while Annie is in labor and the animals are left unattended at home. Matt painstakingly works up the courage to donate blood, a phobia. Meanwhile Lucy breaks up with Jordan.
  • 6.7

    It Happened One Night

    episodio S3.E15 febrero 1999
    The first weekend all seven siblings are home, Eric and Annie plan to extend their child-labor scheme to baby-sitting the noisy newborns. Matt starts his new job at the Dairy Shack, but can't stick it out with the owner's son as his hostile boss, but the evening holds one happy surprise for him. Mary slips away to meet Wilson and runs into Jordan, while Lucy does double chores. Happy is neglected and Ruthie feels neglected, and Eric ignores Simon's well-read parenting tips and steals his Dairy Shack order. Which family member restores heavenly peace to the household?
  • 6.4


    episodio S3.E16 febrero 1999
    Hoping to make the school baseball team but fearing nepotism from the coach, Simon asks sports star Mary to put in a good word--and gets stuck being equipment manager; Jimmy Moon's parents consult Eric when he gets involved in drug dealing, and Lucy's unwanted meddling gets her arrested; Ruthie deliberately doesn't pass on phone messages just for sibling attention; Eric suspects a church conspiracy.
  • 6.4

    Sometimes That's Just the Way It Is

    episodio S3.E17 marzo 1999
    The babies still make all siblings miserable. Simon believes shifting to middle child position ended his luck and resorts to desperate superstitious tricks, even a chain-letter. Matt decides on his own to take military recruitment tests. Lucy and Mary abuse shopping to slip out, and let students Jeff and Chris tempt them to childish pranks while driving. They this bizarrely escape a bad car crash with Ted Grant, who got drunk to celebrate he finally put an end to years of marital misery with freakishly up-tight British wife Emily, who still gets the Camden couple's unconditional support..
  • 6.6

    We the People

    episodio S3.E18 marzo 1999
    Simon risks losing his paper-route unless he manages to collect the money from scrooge Malone and Mrs. Hinckle suggests how to trap him. Matt's married college president Jack Brenner's reputation is tarnished by at times even violent public controversy over a formally allowed affair with a grad student. Matt's friends and parents get involved including him. Mary bumped into Miles Olsen's car in the school parking lot, but he gets a date with Lucy.
  • 6.5

    The Voice

    episodio S3.E19 mayo 1999
    A school janitor claims that God is talking to him. So the school wants him to retire with his pension intact but if he continues to act the way he does, they're ready to dismiss him which means he'll lose his pension. So Eric tries to talk to him but he steadfastly maintains that God is talking to him and that he has a mission.
  • 6.5

    All Dogs Go to Heaven

    episodio S3.E20 mayo 1999
    Simon plans a fancy-restaurant dinner to celebrate Deena's birthday; when her college-musician big brother comes along as chaperone, Lucy eagerly accepts his invitation to join them. Matt joins Sargent Michaels on nightly patrol and hides to avoid being seen by frat friends and freaks out when he discovers Mary kissing her 'movie-date', Michael Towner, in the police car. Eric promises elderly Burt and Cheryl Carberry that he'll take their beloved dog 'Mom' to be euthanized, but when he can't bring himself to, they end up in the park meeting a stray Labrador who is fleeing from abuse.
  • 6.7

    There Goes the Bride: Part 1

    episodio S3.E21 mayo 1999
    The whole Camden family is invited to Matt's deaf ex Heather's wedding to Mason, celebrated by Eric. Matt brings current girlfriend Shana, yet ends up convincing the bride to leave the groom at the altar and drive away together. Wile his ex Lucy flirts with Joe, Jordan gathers the courage to tell her he's dating Mary. Simon is confused after being kissed by Deenah's cahoot.
  • 6.7

    There Goes the Bride: Part 2

    episodio S3.E22 mayo 1999
    Matt brings unamused Heather, who hoped he would propose again, back to church, where he exposes after some hesitation groom Mason's flaw, while desperately trying not to lose 'abandoned' Shana. Simon learns the kiss was a 'love test', which is rewarded with more, and Jordan encourages to just enjoy it without excessive worries. Jordan tells Lucy, who out of mere jealousy makes out with wedding guest Joe. Eric has a hard time accepting Julie's sudden announcement to marry Dr. Hank Hastings, but doubts soon shake that couple to be.
  • 6.8

    The Tattle Tale Heart

    episodio S4.E1 septiembre 1999
    Mary and Lucy selfishly make Matt feel 'guilty' he hasn't moved out yet, although Annie still hopes to keep him home in a garage apartment. They even get Hank to find him a menial morning job in the hospital cafeteria. But Simon feels desert when Matt takes an apartment with John Hamilton. Eric and Annie worry about the Colonel's attitude to Julie's marriage, but the grandparents have gone soft after an around-the-world trip, as George's crazy hairstyle illustrates. But the stress gives already-overworked Eric a mild heart attack.
  • 6.5

    Life Is Too Beautiful

    episodio S4.E2 septiembre 1999
    Eric is released from hospital but drives everyone crazy with his enjoyment of every imaginable 'small blessing'. Simon man feels his stepping in as in the house is undermined when Matt joins the ridicule of him shaving and is tricked by Ruthie. Simon makes a commiserating friend, Jim. Matt still tries to get used to his early morning job and Shana is jealous about him spending most time there and with his roommate.
  • 6.3

    Yak Sada

    episodio S4.E3 octubre 1999
    Annie and Lucy get involved in an organized protest about the treatment of women in Afghanistan. A young couple talks to Eric about sexual equality in their own marriage. Ruthie wants to play on the school's football team.
  • 6.5

    Come Drive with Me

    episodio S4.E4 octubre 1999
    Simon lets school friends convince him he should kindly handle a crazy girl who signed his first name all over a notebook but keeps sending mixed or rather contradictory signals. When his roommate gets a cool job, Matt is fed up with his menial one in the cafeteria. Kid patient Adam's attempts to help seem to backfire. The Camdens really need a new car, but when Eric is seen test-driving a sports-car and Lou sees furnishings arrive for the extra bathroom Annie helps the girls install for their 'attick suite', the board votes against his annually scheduled raise.
  • 6.8

    With Honors

    episodio S4.E5 octubre 1999
    Matt tutors silver spoon James Potter in history, refuses to help him cheat but is still in trouble when the professor smells a rat. Simon's new classmate Lee Patterson boasts his cool dad works with FBI and even NASA, but actually is an unemployed ex-con and petty marijuana dealer. Lucy regrets taking a school secretary job, is flattered when older hunk Tyler asks her for a dance, but that bubble bursts when he actually wants the password to enter the school computer.
  • 6.7

    Just You Wait and See

    episodio S4.E6 octubre 1999
    Simon sees no harm in accepting a 'non-date' with Diane until his girl Deena and her pa see them in the pool-hall. Lucy's joy to get her drivers license is spoiled by the silly picture. Cute, car-less Andrew Nayloss's proposal to pick him up for a movie cheers her up, but he expects the whole courteous, generous treatment girlfriends usually expect, plus a grilling from his dad. An apparently stray kitten seems to choose Ruthie to provide a home, but after lots of hiding the truth catches up. Matt tags along when Eric comes to hospital and takes Hank to dinner to discuss why pregnant Julie is with Annie, jealous about the gynecologist's female patients, including a supermodel. Thus they are out of reach when contractions start weeks early.
  • 6.3


    episodio S4.E7 noviembre 1999
    Simon is in absurd trouble just because his mother and the principal make a huge drama of a finger-gesture among schoolboys. Matt tries to explain, but Simon feels he's robbed of another part of his childish innocence. Matt wrestles with domestic problems among his roommates and considers moving back home on account of Eric's cardiac condition. Basketball coach Jason Cleary decides the girls' continuing grades slip warrants drastic action: a team lockout, which makes the local TV news and because of official secrecy starts a rumors circuit.
  • 6.9

    ...And Expiation

    episodio S4.E8 noviembre 1999
    The whole community is shocked to see Mary and half her Wildcats team meanly vandalized the school's gym. Simon and Ruthie feel guilty for not telling they overheard her planning 'something extreme', so they seek redemption in Catholic confession, a synagogue and a Buddhist temple. Matt feels guilty enough to move back in and resume his task as big brother, only to find that o longer requires his presence and return to his house-mates. Eric calls a marker on lawyer Bill Mays, he gets her in to a trial-avoiding parole office 'last chance' program.
  • 6.7

    Dirty Laundry

    episodio S4.E9 noviembre 1999
    A World War II internment-camp survivor donates a $20,000 check to the church; Shana wants to slow down her relationship with Matt but his eavesdropping sisters suspect otherwise; classmates shun Lucy just for being Mary's sister.
  • 7.5

    Who Nose?

    episodio S4.E10 noviembre 1999
    Con el fin de obtener crédito extra, el modelo alumno Simon se une a regañadientes a un proyecto de pintura mural voluntaria. Instantáneamente se siente poco bienvenido y es amenazado para que se mantenga en silencio después de presenciar cómo usan y inhalan pintura en aerosol. Ve a Pete tener una hemorragia nasal y da pistas a su papá para que adivine y le cuente lo peligrosa que es la adicción después de que Pete es hospitalizado. Las mentiras se suman a la resistencia de Simon. Durante el servicio comunitario, Mary conoce e instantáneamente se enamora de Robbie Palmer, un caballero que fue condenado sin culpa y que impresiona a los padres de Camden. Matt se siente traicionado por partida doble porque Shana no le dijo que solicitó una beca en la Universidad de Nueva York y su papá la recomendó a sus espaldas.
  • 6.9

    Forget Me Not

    episodio S4.E11 diciembre 1999
    Robbie fears Eric will never give him a chance when told, now his and Mary's community service goes so well they can meet, but only at home. Super hot Brad Landers finally asks Lucy on a date, but she stresses over a time-clashing girls project. Simon looked forward to the 'guys night like it used to be' Matt promised him, but his sleepover proves a testing marathon of witnessing stressing over Shana's New York dorm. Annie's step-ma arrives reporting Charles has Alzheimer, he claims it's the other way around. Schoolmate Ben's family inspires Ruthie to fear an apocalyptic millennium bug.
  • 6.5

    All by Myself

    episodio S4.E12 enero 2000
    Matt spends the night with Shana--on the couch--while packing for New York, which just makes the farewell harder. Simon is depressed because Deena bugs him about color-matched outfits and his sisters bug him about pointless phone calls. Lucy is unfair to movie-date Brad Landers and better kisser Andrew Nayloss. While Annie takes a weekend off alone, Eric lets the house get into disorder and fails to keep promises.
  • 6.8

    Who Do You Trust?

    episodio S4.E13 enero 2000
    Robbie and Mary get to go to the movies on a double-date with his brother Rick and Lucy, but that unwilling couple ends up cheating on their partners, while Robbie has another secret. Simon and Nigel buy cigarettes illegally for a school project, yet Eric waits even while they ponder about smoking 'just one'. Matt is a wreck after Shana fails to call once, worse when she does too cheerfully, but his very despair attracts both girl neighbors his house-mate invited.
  • 6.8


    episodio S4.E14 febrero 2000
    New parishioners Carver's son Bobby has a condition, allegedly ADD, but former Tourette's-patient Louis Shea, MD recognizes that's the problem. Only pa Bill Carver can't cope with the diagnosis on account of the family past. Simon sticks up for Bobby against the bully jocks captain, while Mary is upset over an insensitive remark from Simon. Matt is in a stage where he refuses to take calls from Shana, the next bodes even more trouble for their long-distance relationship.
  • 6.8

    Loves Me, Loves Me Not

    episodio S4.E15 febrero 2000
    The parents insist on spoiling the kids' Valentine's day by celebrating the baby twins' birthday and demanding presents. Robbie gets permission afterward to drive Mary to the coffeehouse where his parents met. Matt puts off telling Shana his ex Heather transferred to his college, but Mary spills the beans. Simon's first passionate kiss caused a love-bite, which Deena meanly insists to return, causing disastrous discovery. Matt sees Robbie with 'his brother's date', sees through it but isn't believed that's cheating, until the romantic trip's hidden agenda is revealed.
  • 6.2

    Say a Little Prayer for Me

    episodio S4.E16 febrero 2000
    Eric's reading of an anonymous letter, the juvenile author of which he later shamelessly tracks down, asking for prayer, the power of which he praises blindly, starts an epidemic of selfish praying. Matt and his roommate want female companionship, but Raven of mixed exotic extraction only complicates their lives. Simon hopes to mend with Deena's family, Mary to undo the break-up with Robbie. Lucy secretly wants Andrew but only if he loves her, and gets to meet his namesake in church.
  • 6.2

    Twelve Angry People

    episodio S4.E17 febrero 2000
    Rev. Camden is called to serve as a juror on a murder trial. Once the deliberations start, he's surprised to discover that even though the defendant is obviously guilty, all the other jurors are voting "not guilty" -- some because of past racial discrimination they or their family members have suffered in the judicial system. One by one Rev. Camden works to convince them to rise above their bitterness and distrust of the system so they can do the right thing in this case. (It flips "Twelve Angry Men" on its head and was inspired by the Los Angeles Rampart police scandal when jurors were in fact acquitting defendants because they didn't trust the police after the scandal.)
  • 6.6

    Hoop Dreams

    episodio S4.E18 abril 2000
    Simon and Lucy talk about their parents lives. When Eric and Annie overhear them, they are hurt by the discussion. Mary has dreams of being a basketball star and a talent scout contacts her.
  • 6.3

    Talk to Me

    episodio S4.E19 mayo 2000
    After Eric is approached by a mystery girl he can't identify, who won't tell her problem, the Camden parental paranoia extends to preventive preying, so the kids assume one of them must be in trouble. After Lucy launches the theory her siblings may invent colorful friends to 'test' their own fib stories, pointless palavers abound. Simon proves his funny classmate Luke is real, Mary is keeping an outsider's secret. Hank blames Matt for his marital crisis just for accidentally giving jealous aunt Julie the impression Hank shares a secret with Matt, who thus gets a wealthy lodger on top of his roommate till further notice.
  • 6.6

    Liar, Liar

    episodio S4.E20 mayo 2000
    Eric is very proud when newspaper reporter Sam Robbins offers to cover his reverend's family. Despite warnings from the kids, the parents force all to collaborate, and but they end up betraying all the dirty laundry they warned their siblings not to betray. Matt meanwhile thinks that new orderly Elisabeth admires him, but in fact she only spreads malicious lies.
  • 7.4

    Love Stinks: Part 1

    episodio S4.E21 mayo 2000
    Each one of the Camden kids has a relationship problem; Mary decides to skip college and get back together with Robbie; Simon is dumped; Matt is torn.
  • 6.8

    Love Stinks: Part 2

    episodio S4.E22 mayo 2000
    Simon learns the truth from Deena about why she broke up with him; Ruthie and Lucy try to reconcile with their exes; Matt gets back together with Heater.
  • 6.6

    Here We Go Again

    episodio S5.E1 octubre 2000
    Eric rightly predicts that the kids will only be more trouble in the new school year, yet Annie enrolls in a college course. Simon's only friend is Jim, who drags him along into minor vandalism as a gang initiation. Matt grudgingly admits that Heather left him at the altar; Lucy learns that Andrew Nayloss made an irreversible mistake in France (his father sent him to Europe to keep him far away from Lucy over the summer). Mary starts a minimum-wage job and gets a credit card and still doesn't see college in her future.
  • 6.6


    episodio S5.E2 octubre 2000
    Matt blames his first-ever bad grade, for the crucial course organic chemistry, on everyone and collect excuses to delay studying rather then seek help. Simon is desperately lonely again after Jim's ma absurdly blamed him, but finds unhoped popularity when helping Lucy campaign for ball queen. Eric worries more about a surprise visit then the obvious reason, another attempt to make Mary see sense now she's behind with her car insurance payments.
  • 6.5


    episodio S5.E3 octubre 2000
    Matt suddenly gets bombarded with phone calls and pages at the hospital during his orderly duty, which might even get him fired. Simon wants him to drive him on his date with college girl Lulu, who falls for Matt. Eric can't find anyone to join him on a 'guys' pool night, but he ends up having a blast with parish bachelorettes; meanwhile, Annie meets with her child-psychology professor (who doesn't like kids!). Lucy and her charming lab partner "babysit" an egg; Mary reluctantly joins in the Friday 'private hour' of her pizzeria colleagues, teen parents Frankie and Johnny.
  • 6.5


    episodio S5.E4 octubre 2000
    Simon has another hot date, college girl Marcia, but when Matt turns up as driver, she only has eyes for the med student, although Simon gets the porch kiss. Lucy dates and agrees to go steady 'light' with Mike Pierce, whom she met in a dean's office, where he offered to help her apply to colleges, but doubts again after learning about his mental history. Their parents found none of the kids still interested in family movie night, nut discover too late sneaking off for 'intimacy' never goes unseen, this time even worse. Mary nearly gets arrested with teenage parents Johnny and Frankie, who are caught smoking marijuana just after her visit.
  • 6.6


    episodio S5.E5 octubre 2000
    High school freshman Simon desperately looks for a new image, but clothes nor hairstyle do the trick, so he ends up with an earring. Matt is puzzled when a girl he approaches in the library calls her brother's help against him as 'stalker' after hearing he once dated Heather. Mary breaks every rule and promise when babysitting for Hank by taking in Frances's baby so her 'friend' can spy on Johnny, but the Camden parents' pool night just there makes the real, for all concerned unpleasant difference when Eric blindly assumes Johnny to be an abusive adulterer, while Frankie rather trapped him.
  • 6.6


    episodio S5.E6 noviembre 2000
    Irresponsible 'adult' Mary fails to realize how deep she's sinking, but both parents and siblings piece together from various sources she's about to hit rock-bottom but have no idea how to help? Eric can barely keep Annie from intervening directly before they know everything. The kids decide to 'borrow' enough from the twins' full piggybanks to cover her debts, but creditors seeing cash convince her to 'refinance, which would mean even more interest.
  • 6.8


    episodio S5.E7 noviembre 2000
    The monthly day when the twins' piggybacks are enriched with §10 is ahead, so the siblings fear the game is up unless Mary manages to repay the 'loan', but now her debt is reshuffled she idly spends her days in the movie theatre. So the Camden parents soon learn the dreadful truth they already dreaded. After pondering how to help her, a family intervention proving she's still in haughty denial, the last resort is packing her off to Buffalo, to be taken in hand by the Colonel.
  • 7.1


    episodio S5.E8 noviembre 2000
    Simon lets his mate Luke set them up with the Murphy twins, who fall for his cool 'bad boy' image by association with Mary, but the vixens make the knaves join them in shoplifting and other mischief. Matt falls in love at first sight with a girl in a wedding dress, actually model Julie. Only Mike teaches Lucy how to handle gossip. Annie seeks comfort with a friend, positive thinking guru Robin, who turns out rather negative.
  • 6.7


    episodio S5.E10 diciembre 2000
    Robbie's ma lost her house and moved away without him and moving in with Cheryl also fell through, so Eric finds him studying outside, yet keeping up top marks. He promises to find a shelter and takes him home meanwhile. Despite embarrassing episodes, all the fault of Camden girls, Robbie proves himself a model house-guest. So Matt finds the couch occupied when chased from his dorm by John, who is completely besotted with Priscilla Carter. Simon keeps is foxy new date Sasha a secret until she arrives in a BMW. Lucy is passively jealous when Mike Pierce announces he got early college acceptance, then goes over to make up and thus discovers his ma's disabling mental condition.
  • 6.7


    episodio S5.E11 enero 2001
    A month later, perfect house guest Robbie is getting popular with most Camdens, except Annie who childishly splits hairs about his domestic input, meant to help her but making her feel redundant, while Ginger takes care of grandpa. Matt is unwilling to stand by John when he meets the Carter parents and seeks refuge with Heather, whose boyfriend Thomas gets them off their backs by suggesting they're a sheets magnate family. Mary starts a round of panicking with a false rumor that Robbie is dating Lucy. Simon is flattered when Robbie asks his financial advice and starts copying him, even Matt follows suits walking around shirtless. Robbie finds a surprising job and the perfect thank you gift.
  • 7.3

    One Hundred

    episodio S5.E12 enero 2001
    Eric threatens Robbie with eviction because he thinks he's keeping secrets about Mary. The house is abuzz with secrets and preparations for an elaborate surprise party for Eric's birthday. Johnny drops Mercy on the Camdens' doorstep after Frankie abandons them. Mike trusts Lucy enough to look after his mother for a day, during which the woman surprises her, both by speaking and by what she says.
  • 6.7


    episodio S5.E14 febrero 2001
    Everyone but Lucy is stuck home celebrating the twins' birthday on Valentine's Day; Lucy and Jeremy keep running into Lucy's ex-boyfriend.
  • 6.5


    episodio S5.E15 febrero 2001
    An item found in a lost wallet starts speculations whether it's Simon's or Robbie's and how to make sure it doesn't mean their dates go too far. None of the siblings gives Mary the triumphant welcome she hoped for at her first weekend visit, so Robbie is scolded for not wildly kissing her.
  • 6.7


    episodio S5.E16 febrero 2001
    Robbie's father Ed Palmer, a deadbeat who left the boys very young, turns up and slickly gets free board, next convinces his boy to move out and rent a room together. Eric perseveres to make Robbie realize he can't waste his future on a super-dad that never existed, as his very imperfect mother always claimed. Simon's social life clashes badly with parental essay standard demands. Matt is furious to find Ruthie lied to use him in willful disobedience. Lucy hangs out with classmate Ashley's 'cool' mother Serena, only to find a 'regular' mother is better.
  • 6.4


    episodio S5.E18 abril 2001
    Robbie is told last, despite Camden's advice for her to be open, that Mary has bumped into her ex Wilson, who does a course in Buffalo, and agreed to a dinner at his place. Robbie is doubly vexed as he immediately calls her after meeting a lookalike, Marie, also a basketball player, whom he asked over to get hold of her study notes. Matt meets and dates Cheryl before he realizes she's Robbie's ex. Mary also bumps into Lucy's Jeremy.
  • 6.4


    episodio S5.E21 mayo 2001
    Robbie panics when Mary announces she's returning for the summer months, so he tells her to follow parental instructions not to date her all that time. Mike inspires Lucy how to stay with Jeremy now he's accepted to Juliard: marriage, so they get engaged. Matt is dumped by Cheryl for not telling the family about them, but that gives him the courage and more reward then he bargained for. Wilson was dumped but traveled all the way home, just when Mary's claim of sexual intimacy with Jeremy make Robbie deck Lucy's equally startled fiancé. Simon and Tim discover Deena dated each of them behind the other's back. Serena abuses her lonely birthday to make a move on therapist Eric, while hardware shopkeeper James Carver courts long-oblivious Annie.
  • 6.1


    episodio S5.E22 mayo 2001
    Robbie gathers the courage to tell Mary openly, now her lies are exposed, their relationship is over, staying with the family his priority. Simon nurses his broken heart on account of Deenah, refusing to become 'just friends' again. Wilson bonds, while bunking, with Matt and Robby, and demands for Mary to return and go steady in New York, or break up completely. Jeremy forgives Lucy for doubting her fiancé's fidelity. Ultimately Eric helps her transfer to his New York alma mater, near Juliard. The Camden parents finally realize Serena and James are seducing them, ward off each suitor and match the lonely hearts.
  • 6.6


    episodio S6.E1 septiembre 2001
    Robbie remains inconsolable since Mary left with Wilson. The Colonel figures she won't go to college but marry and be a mother to Billy, so he insists on a job, preferably in public service, but he nor Wilson are pleased she opts for the police or fire department. Lucy refuses to explain why she left the New York seminary, apparently after a break-up with Jeremy, and Robbie is parentally dissuaded as consoling company. Annie works out her pre-menopause frustration on Eric, and he takes it out deviously on model student Simon for just a bit of attitude. Matt loses his hospital orderly job, but soon gets another: in a free clinic with mainly teenage and young-adult mothers-to-be.
  • 6.7


    episodio S6.E2 octubre 2001
    Robbie amuses sneaky cookie-thief Ruthie by nicknaming her Snookie and sets straight Lucy's far less flattering interpretation. Wilson diplomatically handles Mary's absurd blaming him for her failed fire department application after she set fire to the colonel's curtains. Despite Eric's continuous meanness, Simon acts most responsibly when a kid only he, not even a teacher, defended against school bullies mentions planning to shoot them. Eric confronts the supervisor of a firm's staff where 'pranks' extend to stealing a prosthetic arm an counsels his ex Merle on forgiveness.
  • 6.7


    episodio S6.E3 octubre 2001
    Robbie offers to pay $200 rent for the garage apartment if it ever gets finished. However, the siblings all want it, so Matt is promised a switch with his room and the others are jealous. Billy clearly pretends to be 'really' sick to make Mary stay with him and perhaps become his mama. Lucy promises handyman Ray Rickey work on the garage apartment, but the crook fakes a fall and has a leech-lawyer waiting.
  • 6.4


    episodio S6.E4 octubre 2001
    Robbie introduces Lucy to his friend Hugh, feeling she should date again, but gets jealous enough to separate them with lies. Matt stands up against the free clinic's staff and gets Hank to overrule Dr. Kent's diagnose-and-operate routine. Feeling incompetent as a waiter at Pete's Simon resigns, but he gets promoted because of his business-planning skills. Cued by Billy via George, Wilson and Mary (who is failing in firefighter training) realize it's time to decide whether to commit to becoming a family.
  • 7.3


    episodio S6.E5 octubre 2001
    Insecure Robbie hides his budding rebound-affair with Lucy. Wilson is deeply hurt when he finds fickle 'bride' Mary kissing fire-department coursemate Ben Kinkirk. Simon doesn't enjoy bully-mate Rick's girl abusing him as excuse to dump him. Annie's flippant advice nearly wrecks pupil Christy Parks' parents' marriage, yet she resists help even from Eric.
  • 6.5


    episodio S6.E6 noviembre 2001
    Robbie and Lucy gather the courage to tell everybody about their affair, only to find they all knew and don't really care. Without the thrill of sneaking, their first date fizzles. Ben Kinkirk and Mary both pass the firefighters course, but their meeting on whether to celebrate with classmates messes up Mary's reconciliation with fiancé Wilson., and Billy's questions make Wilson decide against her plan to elope. Matt discovers that Hank and Julie are planning a divorce, and Eric and Annie try to find out why and see if they can help fix it.
  • 6.7


    episodio S6.E7 noviembre 2001
    Wilson is amused that all the Camdens call him after Mary's sudden return home, but wants her to tell them what happened. Robbie makes clear he's no longer interested at all in her or Lucy, having found a potential bride. The siblings however are furious when their wayward sister gets the royal treatment from their mother, while their better behavior yielded nothing. It's the last straw when the garage apartment they all want is thrown in, so they squat. Annie declares a war of attrition on them. Eric cowardly keeps out and hopes his sermon on the prodigal son may smooth things, but everyone feels targeted.
  • 6.4

    Ay Carumba

    episodio S6.E8 noviembre 2001
    Robbie is happy with his new hot Latina girlfriend Joy Reyes and persuades her rich, devoutly Catholic father Ramon Reyes (for now) of his honorable intentions. The garage apartment squatters' resolve is self-sabotaged by their rivalry to get what shouldn't be Mary's and Ruthie's scheming. In the end return under the maternal yoke and make up (more or less forcibly) with Mary, who meanwhile repents, but Eric wisely doubts her sincerity and rectitude.
  • 6.3


    episodio S6.E9 noviembre 2001
    Robbie has spent too much time with Joy on top of his two jobs, so he demands a day off to study. She insists 'just this one day' and Eric convinces Robbie he should at least find out if it's a special day. On his way, he finds and picks up a stray dog tagged in Arizona. It turns out to be the pet who disappeared exactly two years ago with Joy's kid brother Joseph, and might now lead the police to the boy and his abductor. At home, the girls ask their parents to select ideal partners, leading to lots of speculation. Matt and Simon's attempt to pick up suitable girls by walking the twins backfires.
  • 7.2


    episodio S6.E10 diciembre 2001
    Simon's big day, the start of his driving lessons, finally arrived, but Eric just forgot about it. Grandpa Jackson seduces the knave into driving him around without a license, which leads through more bad grandfatherly advice to a televised police car chase. Jealous of Joy, Matt behaves childishly toward Robbie whose gentleman's attitude ultimately gives in. Lucy hoped Jeremy called to make up, but he just wants his engagement ring back. The local fire chief isn't fooled by Mary's eagerness to transfer.
  • 6.4


    episodio S6.E11 enero 2002
    Robbie volunteers his car to give Simon a driving lesson as Eric again fails to turn up as promised. Alas, they bump into Matt's car. Wilson has moved and left instructions not to tell Mary his new location. Firefighter Ben Kinkirk volunteers to pick up a rescue dog so he can visit Mary, who instantly calls him her true love again, but ends up found out. Meanwhile Lucy, who refuses to take off Jeremy's ring, is openly jealous of such a hunky suitor, Ruthie pretends not to care. Robbie's brother Ronald drops by and is furious to hear that his muse Lucy dated Robbie. Annie resigns her teaching post without consulting anyone.
  • 6.3


    episodio S6.E12 enero 2002
    While Robbie visits his mother in Florida, Ruthie sneaks in her friend Yasmine Halawi, a Muslim girl who has become the target of two bullies on the street. The whole family feels obligated to help the whole Halawi family, who has lived in Glenoak for years without problems, but every attempt proves difficult or even counterproductive; Matt and Simon nearly beat up the wrong suspects, and Ruthie's private school's board votes against admitting Yasmine.
  • 7.8


    episodio S6.E13 febrero 2002
    Matt falla en advertir a Simon, quien obtuvo el permiso de Eric a espaldas de Annie, sobre los peligros de asistir a fiestas de chicos mayores. El amigo de Simon, Morris, lo lleva a casa pero duda en tocar el timbre y asegurarse de que llegue a salvo a su hogar; de todos modos, la bebida adulterada promete una resaca mortal. Mientras tanto, Lucy resuelve su envidia mutua hacia Mary, la chica popular, pero casi se ve obligada a beber en una reunión con compañeros de clase.
  • 6.6

    Hot Pants

    episodio S6.E14 febrero 2002
    The next Valentine's day, Robbie prepared a surprise for Joy. Mary meanly supposes the hotel she overheard him contacting by phone means another sex trap. Joy, who assumed the butler to be away like her father really is, isn't discouraged, but bitterly claims Robbie doesn't love her truly because he refuses to risk getting intimate. Matt contacts all his 'true lovers', wondering why he never stayed hooked up. Lucy again assumes Jeremy, who is back in town and double-dating with Mike, wants her back and pretends to have a date. Mary is shocked to see Wilson moved back and goes steady with her former school friend Corey Conway. Simon gets permission to let his hot senior date Maria 'help babysit' and gets her cute kid brother Jake to spare Ruthie dateless embarrassment.
  • 6.6

    I Really Do

    episodio S6.E15 febrero 2002
    Robbie's apparently firm happiness with Joy kindles envy in Matt, who is now so in love with wedding plans that he vows that his next steady date must be *the one*. Being commandeered into clinic duty, Matt misses his date with a promising candidate but he also meets a fellow med student, Sarah Glass, daughter of Rabbi Richard Glass. Sarah insists that they must meet each other's parents. Although both parental pairs plead against a mixed-religions marriage, the lovebirds soldier on.
  • 6.4

    I Really Did

    episodio S6.E16 marzo 2002
    Matt has married Rabbi Glass' daughter Sarah after one date. Robbie is mildly amused at the family's speculations and how they're worrying about whether Matt 'was dumber than Mary with Wilson'. Only Ruthie finds out, answering when Matt calls, but he swears her to secrecy. Meanwhile, Matt and Sarah go tell her parents first, but at the last moment she pretends they just got engaged, a lie they must now extend to the Camden home, where the 'news' only adds to the mounting stress.
  • 6.9

    Lip Service

    episodio S6.E17 abril 2002
    Level-headed Robbie is the only one intentionally left home to babysit the twins when the Camdens accept a first dinner invitation at humorist Rabbi Glass's home. Mary beats Lucy to the punch faking illness so she can escape the event and try to seduce Robbie away from Joy. Simon takes his half-Jewish friend Morris along, but he fails miserably as a good example of someone from a mixed-faith household: he has no clue about the Sabbath or other Jewish traditions. Eric loses it completely when Matt says he's considering converting to Judaism, but they make up during a synagogue service.
  • 7.2

    The Ring

    episodio S6.E18 abril 2002
    Matt ignores at his peril Robbie and Simon's warning not to believe a girl's claim she needs no gift, especially concerning the diamond engagement ring. Eric's solution within budget, industrial imitation, is 'welcomed' even more bitter, until an heirloom is passed on. Lucy flew along to Buffalo with Mary to 'pick up her stuff', but discovers aboard she wants another shot at Ben. After provoking airport security, Lucy gets an instant crush on gallant, hot cop Kevin Kinkirk. She arranges a double-date with his brother, who turns out to be none other then Ben, who is however most suspicious of record-fickle Mary until Kevin gives the decisive push.
  • 7.7

    Letting Go

    episodio S6.E19 abril 2002
    Los Camden se sorprenden por la llegada de Mary con su nuevo chico Ben y su hermano policía Kevin, y con su nuevo trabajo de azafata de vuelo que les permite vuelos baratos. Mientras Lucy se acerca a Kevin, Eric todavía se obsesiona con el secreto de Matt y Robbie y Ruthie siguen ayudando a mantenerlo. Eric descuida su cita de asesoramiento con los ancianos Tallridge, cuyo hijo adulto Jerry se ha "mudado repentinamente", pero eso es lo que lo inspirará.
  • 6.9

    The Known Soldier

    episodio S6.E20 mayo 2002
    Annie discovers Ruthie is writing to a Marine fighting in Afghanistan as part of a school project. The Camden family read what Ruthie has written to her pen pal about their lives and in turn learn about a Marine who so bravely has left his wife and son to fight in the war against terror. When Ruthie fails to get a response email at school and Eric hears about a helicopter going down killing two people he contacts the Colonel.
  • 6.5

    Holy War: Part 1

    episodio S6.E21 mayo 2002
    Preparations for Matt and Sarah's wedding are being made and things aren't going the way Eric or Annie planned. Matt decides he will convert to Judaism after a discussion with Sarah's dad who convinces Matt that he can convert on the wedding day much to Eric's dismay. Annie panics when Sarah's mother tells her to expect 100 kosher guests to her backyard pot luck dinner. Ruthie and Simon begin to resent Robbie being in the house. Ruthie wants her bedroom back forcing Robbie out now that Matt will be moving out and Simon gets upset that Matt chooses Robbie to be his best man and Sam and David call for Robbie instead of him. Lucy gets upset that Kevin won't come to Glen Oak for Matt's wedding and Ben decides to propose to Mary after Mary starts giving him the cold shoulder. Eric and Sarah's dad the Rabbi go head to head and it seems Matt and Sarah's wedding won't go ahead after all.
  • 7.6

    Holy War: Part 2

    episodio S6.E22 mayo 2002
    La familia Camden se reúne para la boda de Matt y Sarah. Eric y el rabino se reconcilian mientras que Ben y Kevin deciden ir a Glen Oak para buscar a Mary y Lucy. Ruthie y Simon resuelven sus problemas con Robbie.
  • 6.5

    Monkey Business 1

    episodio S7.E1 septiembre 2002
    The season starts with the Camden house in a state of change. Kevin moves in the garage apartment and plans to propose to Lucy. Robbie meets Kevin's police partner and is ready for romance. Ruthie starts dating, and Mary has an older boyfriend.
  • 6.1

    Monkey Business Deux

    episodio S7.E2 septiembre 2002
    Simon starts a dating service. Mary and Jack are planning to move to Florida. Annie and Eric have their hands full with family events.
  • 6.6

    We Do

    episodio S7.E18 abril 2003
    A big storm interferes with Lucy & Kevin's wedding plans. Kevin's family and many of the guests have trouble getting to the church.
  • 6.8

    Life and Death: Part 1

    episodio S7.E21 mayo 2003
    Chandler's father is dying. Eric tries to get Chandler and his father to talk before he dies. Simon asks Cecilia to the prom. Ruthie has problems but does not want to talk about it. Mary has news for her father. Sarah thinks she is pregnant.
  • 6.5

    Life and Death: Part 2

    episodio S7.E22 mayo 2003
    Peter tells Ruthie she should talk to her parents about her problem. Simon asks someone else to the prom since Cecilia does not want to go. Annie talks to Sarah's mother.
  • 6.3

    An Early Fall: Part 2

    episodio S8.E2 septiembre 2003
    Mary reveals that she married Carlos. Simon does not want to return to high school and Eric tries to find a solution for him. Roxanne and Chandler end their relationship.
  • 6.7

    The Kid Is Out of the Picture

    episodio S8.E5 octubre 2003
    Simon applies to college and decides to submit a video for his essay. He tells the story of the Camdensfrom his point of view.
  • 6.4

    Good-Bye...: Part 1

    episodio S10.E21 mayo 2006
    The wedding preparations inspire Eric and Annie to reminisce about their children's childhoods; Rose tells Simon she's late and he prays as passionately to make the right decision about starting a family as he once prayed to get a dog; Simon is disappointed that hardly anybody wants to attend his wedding and Rose somehow blames Umberto and keeps his doubts alive while her divorced parents, between blaming each other for everything (as usual), fear it's a "shotgun wedding"; at the rehearsal dinner, Ruthie meets charming teenage waiter Paul from Edinburgh.
  • 5.8

    And Thank You: Part 2

    episodio S10.E22 mayo 2006
    Annie and Eric are delighted with Matt and Sarah's surprise visit in time for Simon's wedding--and not just because they announce they're expecting. Simon is relieved that he and Rose aren't expecting, therefore marrying purely for love; but the next minute he gets cold feet, at which Lucy eagerly pokes. More visitors, like Matt's one-time bride-to-be Heather, stir further reminiscing and speculations; Rose's ex Umberto even asks Eric's permission to sabotage the wedding. The big day is full of surprises, including from Matt and Carlos.

Mejores momentos10

  • 6.6
    82% de los votos

    Hoop Dreams

    episodio S4.E18 abril 2000
    Simon and Lucy talk about their parents lives. When Eric and Annie overhear them, they are hurt by the discussion. Mary has dreams of being a basketball star and a talent scout contacts her.
  • 6.5
    67% de los votos

    ...And a Nice Chianti

    episodio S3.E5 octubre 1998
    When Mary triumphantly announces that she's earned her driving permit, Simon and Lucy announce that they're going to ride the school bus. The cool kids at the back of the bus ostracize Simon and Lucy doesn't fare any better when a presumptuous freshman puts the moves on her. Matt is on his way to school when he spots a pregnant girl stranded on the side of the road. When he takes a look under the hood of her broken down car, the girl takes off in his car. As the children pile off Simon's bus, a tough kid, Nick, starts to bully nerdy Marvin for a copy of his essay. Simon intervenes and suggests that Marvin help Nick write his own assignment and Nick gives Simon's plan a thumbs- up. Eric pays a call on Elizabeth Brown, a parishioner who lost her son three years ago. She tearfully confides that she just can't seem to get past her grief. Eric suggests that she spend a little time each day doing something for herself. Later at the beauty salon, Elizabeth overhears a woman joyfully exclaim how happy she is just to be alive. Elizabeth finds out that the woman had undergone a heart transplant. Matt is relieved when the police arrive on the scene of the car jacking, until they arrest him for suspicion of grand theft auto! Later, Elizabeth asks Eric if he would find out if the woman from the salon was the recipient of her son's heart. The next day, Eric meets Carolyn, who is upbeat and delightful, but not the recipient of Elizabeth's son's heart. Later, Eric and Sgt. Michaels track down Theresa, the pregnant teen who stole Matt's car, and set up a meeting with her parents. At school, the girlfriend of Lucy's freshman admirer warns her to quit riding the bus. Mary refuses to help Lucy because she's hurt that Lucy won't ride in the car with her. That evening, Theresa's parents arrive at the Camden's and remain cold and unrelenting. Two weeks later, Elizabeth, Carolyn and Theresa happily join Eric in his church office. Eric had suggested that Theresa move in with Elizabeth, and .. _
  • 6.8
    67% de los votos

    Love Stinks: Part 2

    episodio S4.E22 mayo 2000
    Simon learns the truth from Deena about why she broke up with him; Ruthie and Lucy try to reconcile with their exes; Matt gets back together with Heater.
  • 6.9
    66% de los votos

    ...And Expiation

    episodio S4.E8 noviembre 1999
    The whole community is shocked to see Mary and half her Wildcats team meanly vandalized the school's gym. Simon and Ruthie feel guilty for not telling they overheard her planning 'something extreme', so they seek redemption in Catholic confession, a synagogue and a Buddhist temple. Matt feels guilty enough to move back in and resume his task as big brother, only to find that o longer requires his presence and return to his house-mates. Eric calls a marker on lawyer Bill Mays, he gets her in to a trial-avoiding parole office 'last chance' program.
  • 6.1
    65% de los votos


    episodio S5.E22 mayo 2001
    Robbie gathers the courage to tell Mary openly, now her lies are exposed, their relationship is over, staying with the family his priority. Simon nurses his broken heart on account of Deenah, refusing to become 'just friends' again. Wilson bonds, while bunking, with Matt and Robby, and demands for Mary to return and go steady in New York, or break up completely. Jeremy forgives Lucy for doubting her fiancé's fidelity. Ultimately Eric helps her transfer to his New York alma mater, near Juliard. The Camden parents finally realize Serena and James are seducing them, ward off each suitor and match the lonely hearts.
  • 7.3
    64% de los votos

    Rush to Judgment

    episodio S2.E12 enero 1998
    Eric y Annie intentan no sospechar lo peor cuando descubren que falta dinero en la tesorería de la iglesia y todas las pruebas apuntan a Lou, el tesorero de la iglesia. Más tarde, todos descubren que es para su hijo discapacitado que fue expulsado de su casa y necesita encontrar uno nuevo. Creyendo que el entrenador Koper tiene más que el baloncesto en su mente en lo que concierne a Mary, Matt y Lucy se arriesgan a alienar a su hermana para descubrir la verdad. Además, Simon deja que el juego de golf agobie su vida y termine rompiendo muchas cosas.
  • 6.2
    60% de los votos

    Say a Little Prayer for Me

    episodio S4.E16 febrero 2000
    Eric's reading of an anonymous letter, the juvenile author of which he later shamelessly tracks down, asking for prayer, the power of which he praises blindly, starts an epidemic of selfish praying. Matt and his roommate want female companionship, but Raven of mixed exotic extraction only complicates their lives. Simon hopes to mend with Deena's family, Mary to undo the break-up with Robbie. Lucy secretly wants Andrew but only if he loves her, and gets to meet his namesake in church.
  • 7.4
    59% de los votos

    Don't Take My Love Away

    episodio S2.E1 septiembre 1997
    En la apertura de la segunda temporada, Eric y Annie renuevan sus votos, se van a casar nuevamente. Los niños no están realmente entusiasmados con la boda, pero Ruthie quiere usar un esmoquin. Mary está cansada de caminar con muletas, pero teme que pueda caerse si no las usa. Lucy todavía está enojada porque Jimmy Moon está saliendo con Ashley ahora, pero los invita a la boda; más tarde, la ONU los invita. Matt y Heather pasan tiempo juntos antes de que ella se vaya a la escuela. Simon decide esperar antes de mudarse a su nueva habitación en el ático. Eric ayuda a una mujer, Nora, a hablar con el tipo que mató a su esposo hace unos años.
  • 6.4
    57% de los votos


    episodio S3.E16 febrero 1999
    Hoping to make the school baseball team but fearing nepotism from the coach, Simon asks sports star Mary to put in a good word--and gets stuck being equipment manager; Jimmy Moon's parents consult Eric when he gets involved in drug dealing, and Lucy's unwanted meddling gets her arrested; Ruthie deliberately doesn't pass on phone messages just for sibling attention; Eric suspects a church conspiracy.
  • 6.5
    54% de los votos

    Life and Death: Part 2

    episodio S7.E22 mayo 2003
    Peter tells Ruthie she should talk to her parents about her problem. Simon asks someone else to the prom since Cecilia does not want to go. Annie talks to Sarah's mother.

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